More and more people seem to have a heightened sensitivity to an allergen of some kind (a food, pollen, dust, mold…) which can cause the immune system to overreact in order to defend itself.
The immune system typically responds to a harmful substance, such as wheat, dairy, peanuts or what is common now in New Mexico the Juniper pollen when exposed to the body. People with allergies recognize their immune system might work overtime on what appears to be relatively harmless exposure.
The persons reaction can range from mild discomfort to a life-threatening situation.
General allergy symptoms appear similar to the flu without the fever! Most with an allergy will display a combination of symptoms like: watery eyes; runny nose; sneezing; itchy throat; nasal congestion; wheezing; fatigue; coughing; stomach ache; fatigue; irritability; skin irritation; and maybe hives.
Hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma are all due to allergic reactions.
When you determine if your allergic episode was due to something in the air (pollen, pet dander), an insect sting (i.e. venom of bees and wasps), a chemical, medication or from something you ate, here are the top questions to can ask yourself for clues:
- What have you eaten differently?
- Do you work outdoors, or have you been active outdoors recently?
- Have you had a recent traumatic stressful experience?
- Have you been in contact with something that might have irritated your eyes or skin?
The answers to these questions will help guide your doctor to becoming more specific and may request scheduling for a simple skin or blood test. If you have a serious allergy or reaction, make sure you get to the hospital as fast as possible as allergies can be life threatening. If it is a food allergy we offer a simple test to identify the foods with a complete report. This will include a list of foods to avoid based on the results.
For 25 years of practice, I have offered natural solutions that are proven and work, like:
- Acupuncture – Decreases inflammation and supports the endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid) and fortifies the detox organs (liver, kidney, lung and spleen).
- Chinese herbs and Homeopathy – Histoplex, Xanthium Relieve Surface, Jade Screen or Allergena 6, Juniper 200x homeopathic (that you can begin a month before the season begins for quick results).
- Nasal sprays – Restore™ Sinus Spray and Ozone Nasal Insufflation can help to clean out the sinus cavity.
- Eye drops – Lubrisine Eye Drops helps to soothe itchy, burning eyes.
- Diet therapy – A simple blood test can reveal a complete list of foods to avoid.
Are you ready for relief with a natural solution today?
We are here for you when you call 505-986-1089 M-F 8 am – 5 pm or emailing us.