“We all have this ‘truth leader.’ I read this book about functional medicine and I knew it was the truth. How am I an OB-GYN and never even heard about this?”
Guest Bio:
With a successful career in the medical field, from the outside, Dr. Kyrin Dunston looked like she had it all. But on the inside, she was dying. Any spare hour she had was spent sleeping. She was tired, overweight, and her hair was falling out. She was depressed, anxious, and lacked self-confidence. She had stomach issues and low libido, and no matter what she did, all her tests came back “normal.” What was going on? Through functional medicine, Dr. Kyrin was able to regain her life back, bit by bit, and now applies the same principles to help her mid-life clients.
Episode Summary:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. She thought feeling this way was “normal.” Even her doctors thought she was just making excuses for being overweight. Turns out, no, she was just doing the wrong tests. If you’re a woman in her late 40s, this episode is for you! You need to go beyond the regular tests to really discover what’s going on underneath the hood. You might find that your hormones are sending a completely wrong message to your body!
Title: Get Your Hormones in Check and Everything Else Falls Into Place — Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Subtitle: If you feel run down, no sex drive, and just feeling ill, there is hope to live a younger life.
Key Takeaways:
Resources for a Younger Lifestyle:
Dr. Robyn Benson’s Free Youthful Aging eGuide
FREE GIFT: Robynbenson.com/gift
Connect with Dr. Kyrin: Kyrindunstonmd.com/
“I said I’m not reading this book! I’m a board-certified OB-GYN, what is this author going to teach me? I had this arrogance, what I call contempt, prior to investigation.”
“We all have this ‘truth leader.’ I read this book about functional medicine and I knew it was the truth. How am I an OB-GYN and never even heard about this?”
“Truth is, most doctors in America do the wrong tests and they read them for what’s ‘normal’ which is different from what’s ‘optimal.’”