Alcohol Swaps

Robyn Benson

Published on November 12, 2019

Alcohol Swaps:  Managing Your Liquid Sugar Intake

Let’s begin by saying we would prefer it if you skipped the hard liquor when discussing a regenerative lifestyle. With that being said, if you still feel you would like to relax with an alcoholic drink, how about swapping it out with a glass of wine instead!

That brings us to the first question you might want to ask, what kind of wine should I drink?

If you desire an drink with alcohol on occasion to kick back from a week of hard work, before dinner or when connecting with a friend, choose a dry wine.  Even over the holidays at parties, or at home this provides a great alcohol swap to remember.

In a WebMD article they write how researchers say their findings, confirm the absence of a link between the type of alcoholic beverage and the occurrence of cirrhosis is still valid.  This is one reason why we do not endorse drinking alcohol every day, but rather on occasion and only for special events.

The article offers more insights including a Danish study revealing wine drinkers have 70% less chance of getting cirrhosis of the liver, than those who drank liquor or beer.  In the article the French study couldn’t replicate those findings and came up with very different results.

Wine has been proven to have antioxidant qualities which might support the notion of lower cirrhosis risk for wine drinkers.  If you go down the alcohol route it is important to read the research, know your health risks and make the better choices.

What does that mean? 

If you decide alcohol is for you, serve and drink wine.  Here are a variety of reasons other researchers have found for those who drink wine over hard liquor:

Lower insulin – Enjoy a glass of wine and make sure you skip the desert. This could prove a good alternative to other sugar foods, especially for those concerned with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Weight loss – For those who have mastered their healthy weight zone, there has been research to support a glass of wine daily can lower the chance of becoming overweight.

Longer life – It has been said red wines have Resveratrol. This is a compound that triggers genes like SIRT1 which has been known to improve longevity.

Relaxation – Wine releases calming neurotransmitter, GABA. Perfect with dinner, but not good as a bedtime sleep aid because it effects your blood sugar which can interfere with the quality of your sleep.

Balance is one of the keys to a regenerative lifestyle which is quite an easy concept to remember for good health. Over-drinking, can add a burden to the body as it must convert into sugar, using lots of energy which can lead to major health issues, tax your liver and add to all sorts of unexpected problems.

Here we will briefly discuss ways to pick a healthy wine and the best time to drink it:

Red or White – The dryer wine is best, whether it is red or white. Obviously, avoiding the fruitier tasting wines would only make sense if you are managing your sugar intake because it would be higher. One reason is because the fermentation process that some cheaper wines might have, means the fermentation process was shortened or not completed. You want to drink a wine not a juice, which means you should choose a brand that you know has absorbed all the grape sugars. Keep reading…

A Brand for You – One of the best choices for wine has been Dry Farm Wines. They are known for their organic, low-sugar impact and a reliable wine to drink regularly.

NO Wine before Bed – As mentioned briefly above, drinking wine to fall asleep misses the point and becomes a bad choice. If you would like ways to help you with your sleep naturally, go here for a variety of brands including gluten free choices and we make it easy to order from over 300 top quality practitioner brands 24/7.

One Glass A Day – Wellness can be best supported in a lifestyle of balance enjoying the grace for each moment you live without having to be too hard on yourself. Guilt doesn’t work, so if you need to take a break from your best habits, make the better choices not the worst. If you must have one glass of wine a day, have it during or after dinner. It is important to relax into a reflective day and decompress naturally in order to move toward your vision and passion for a healthy life. You can live a smart lifestyle with a smile and without feeling bad about yourself.

The power of a regenerative lifestyle is in perfect alignment to my ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Regenerative Medicine is where we are heading so embracing some basic habits on how you can get ahead of any heavy event season begins with being conscious about your eating and drinking choices.

Learn the simple examples for sugar swaps designed to provide a life line so you can enjoy yourself when eliminating those extremely bad decisions out of the gate.  You can make the better choices in your life today in order to avoid serious health problems in the future.

Reach out to us to learn about our ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies) and learn more about Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health. Ask about our 5-Day Regenerative Reset Program and learn how our patients have claimed they have dropped 5 pounds in 5 days, eliminated 1.2 inches off their waist including those annoying aches and pains in 5 days.

Call us at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health M-F 8 am – 5 pm MST at: (505) 474-8555

Sugar Swaps

Robyn Benson

Published on November 12, 2019

15 Top Sugar Swaps: Easy, Potent and Pleasurable

Learning simple ways to manage the level of sugar intake during certain times of the year has its value. The responsibility is placed upon the individual to integrate and manage any ongoing holiday season that retailers seem to have defined for us.  For some it might take education, planning, work, so we thought we would introduce you to some simple sugar swaps to be used as tools in any circumstance.

When we seem to find any excuse to party. You heard the mantra, what is a meal or celebration without something sweet, REALLY SWEET with lots and lots of alcohol?

Whether you are being entertained or are the entertainer, high levels of sugar entering our body is not a good idea.  We forget our system breaks down the sugar into an acid, which really translates into fat, as the body must protect its internal organs.

If we don’t like to pollute mother nature, then why do we disrespect our own bodies.  The idea of a flu season has gone by the wayside, since we know the new normal is people get the flu 365 days a year now and the big trigger is ingesting sugar.

For those living a regenerative lifestyle you can understand the interest to keeping your body and immune system strong.  Think about it, a diabetic is forced to have clear guidelines to follow in order to stay alive.  Learn to recognize and practice ways to keep high sugar foods out of your body before dis-ease takes place and enjoy the celebration without feeling lousy afterwards.

Just google the stats.  I just found this article by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) saying 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year.  You know this dis-ease has a direct correlation to the amount of sugar that goes into your body.  Why wait until the 11th hour, when you can find simple ways to honor your body and eat for health today!

Maybe you have mastered the mindset with disciplined achievements for months, and maybe years, which has sharpened your thinking, give you that youthful look and offers new energy to go that extra mile.  Let’s manage challenging circumstances today so you can continue your great success through any holiday season.

We can agree, sugar is not your friend, so why go for instant gratification.  Let’s avoid sickness altogether by simply making better choices.

15 Top Sugar Swap Tips to use where ever you are:

Resist the Obvious – Sodas, candy, chips and baked goods unless you know the baker or can read the ingredients

Taste the Coffee / Tea – Make sure you taste the coffee / tea! Between the dairy creamers and the sugar, you know it is just a easy choice to go for the non-sweetened nut, and coconut milks and follow the low glucose options listed below in #5.

Breakfast Cereal – One of the worst offenders is breaking down at the start of your day with sugared granola’s, oatmeal and breakfast cereals. Make the effort to use pure rolled oats or unsweetened instant oatmeal mix and ask if this is a option where ever you go.

Hydrate with Water – Enjoy drinking your 8 glasses of water a day by sweetening it with lemons, cucumbers, watermelon, mint or grapefruit. When you keep water simple and delicious you will drink more.

Sweeten Naturally – If you must, bring your own natural popular low-calorie sweeteners with you, like: Stevia; Xylitol, Erythritol, Yacon syrup. At home, since it might be awkward to carry these in your backpack or purse, stock up on the “less bad” sugars like, real maple syrup, molasses, and honey but use sparingly.

Fresh Fruit – Most hotels, restaurants offer the ability to dive into some fresh fruit. Take advantage of it and serve it to your guests as well.

Naked Proteins – Choose a naked burger and leave the bun behind.

Celebrate Raw – Nuts and seeds are great to carry with you on the road and are great to add to any meal or salad.

Create the Perfect Parfait – Don’t be tempted to conveniently grab those prepackaged granola-filled yogurts. They are the worst sugar offenders and you might as well drink a Coke. If you are home, make your own parfait. The perfect one would include, Oikos Triple Zero (Greek brand yogurt), plain coconut or almond yogurts.

Give Up the Snickers – Although it is more and more difficult to find a healthier protein or granola bar, take responsibility for your own health and get use to reading the ingredients on the package. If you need a snack between meals, buy a box for the road that is a better snack for energy. Do not get fooled into an energy bar that will convert into sugar knowing it will only contribute to false energy and adds the bad fat to your system and will throw off your balance.

Trail Mix – STOP BUYING the trail mix at the convenient stores. Make your own before you leave town with a healthy mixture of unsalted and raw nuts (i.e. almonds, walnuts, pecans) and add some coconut flakes with some Goji berries.

Stop Screaming for Ice Cream – Find and enjoy the many natural, low-sugar frozen treats by making your own fruit blended Popsicle and enjoy the better choices like the Greek yogurt pops available at most food stores.

Cut the Cheese – Learn to treat any meal with cheese like desert choice, so manage your intake. Cheese will break down in your blood into sugar. So why overload your body when you are not at the least getting the sweet rush. So, if you have cheese on your eggs in the morning, skip the cheese on your salad for lunch. At dinner, substitute the cheese with some extra rich avocado (guacamole) with some green chile on your taco or burrito. Still hooked on Pizza, request a veggie slice without the cheese!

Get your Veggies – Okay, fruit smoothies still seem to pacify your desire to make a good choice, but in reality, have high sugar content to diminish what appeared to be a healthy choice into a sugar drink. If you reach for a smoothie on the road or make one at home, use one-part low sugar fruit (i.e. berries, melon, kiwi as opposed to Mango, Cherries, pineapple and papaya) with two parts vegetable.

Skip the Alcohol – If you find you enjoy an alcoholic drink on special occasions or after a hard day of work, keep it to 1 glass, and choose a dry wine instead of those sugary mixed drinks. Get access to alcohol swaps here!

Okay, so when you are on the road, don’t buy into convenience, even if the hotel breakfast says it is included in the room rate.  Be smart and enjoy a head start on your health every season, any time of year, by applying these easy sugar swaps!

Reach out to us and let us know if you would like to learn more about our 5-Day Regenerative Reset Program. Some claim they have dropped 5 pounds in 5 days, eliminated 1.2 inches off their waist including those annoying aches and pains.

Visit us at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and ask for your FREE Tour of The ART LAB, IV of Santa Fe Therapy Room and more.  We are open M-F 8 am – 5 pm MST so call us today: (505) 474-8555

8 Top Reasons To Give Back: Make it Personal!

Robyn Benson

Published on December 19, 2018

Enjoy a Year of Rewards that Go Beyond Your Boundaries!

I am passionate about travel and made the decision to go to Uganda with my daughter to be part of JLMC Foundation trip of a lifetime to meet the girls they serve and to witness the impact of the Girl Power Project in Uganda®, East Africa. We were with a group of conscious activists who are committed to changing the world, while having an unforgettable time along the way.

With the holidays arriving, giving can offer you a boost of health, happiness, and strengthen an entire community. Of course, you do not have to shop to reap the benefits of giving. There is research showing the same benefits can come from donating to charities or volunteering your time.

My friend and founder of the non-profit, Vivian Glyck, invited us to join her to connect with the families her organization serves in Uganda. We were able to experience the Girl Power Project first-hand by:

  • Teaching communities about the law and human rights.
  • Implementing Population Council’s Girl Roster Toolkit.
  • Signing a covenant with the community.

These were powerful experiences to have with my daughter Hannah who is in her teens. We both learned, grew and personally gained a deeper personal sense of self and the value of giving back unconditionally.

There are so many ways to give back to the world. As a mother among other roles I engage in daily, helping girls before they become a adult, responsible woman, just made sense to me.

As I researched this program and why Uganda, I came across some interesting statistics which became my inspiration to be part of this positive change:

  • Empowerment – When a girl has 7 more years of education, she marries 4 years later and has 2.2 fewer children.
  • Education – More than 100 Million children remain out of school – 66 million of them are girls and half of them live in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Leadership –Nelson Mandela said it all when he was quoted as saying, “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated.”
  • Reproductive Health – Medical complication from pregnancy and childbirth are the second leading cause of death among girls ages 15-19, worldwide.
  • Justice – Worldwide 50% of all sexual assaults are against girls ages 15-years old and younger.

This journey to help others required our time and money. They had a good plan that optimized our adventure to give back with an African Safari along the Nile River, shopping that included local entertainment while we became part of the community in our participation of service.

Let me share 8 top reasons to give back and how I made it personal:

  1. Make a Difference
  2. Build Community
  3. Expand Connections
  4. Improve your Health (mind, body and spirit)
  5. Lead Others by Example
  6. Share Your Skills
  7. Embrace the Good Feeling
  8. Give Authentically
#1. Make a Difference

We innately desire to make an impact on the world to add value outside of our regular grind to wake up, work, sleep and repeat. I am grateful as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), that I designed my desire to travel as a way to make a difference for my patients.

I search the world for new technologies, based in science, to help them regenerate naturally. It has been a blessing to run a unique practice for over 25 years all while I make a difference in others health, life everyday.

When contemplating anther type of experience of giving back and sharing it with my daughter, I recognized it needed to be different. When I dug deeper,and recognized I would have a witness, my daughter in this case, I came up with a new way to refresh my opportunity to give back and personally grow.

It is when we discover deep inside our passion to experience more from life, and share it, this was the opportunity that felt right for me this year. I was confident that this was the non-profit foundation I could trust, that it would meet the experience that was resonating in my heart with my daughter.

It is important to pick an organization you believe so you can apply your contributions, your time and/or money, directly to the cause you care most about. If it is your first time, don’t hesitate to investigate local organizations before you go overseas which can be a bigger risk or investment.

Research ways the organization has truly implemented changes they claim. Take a look at how they help a family, community, country or the world with transparent results that should be documented.

#2. Build Community

Building a community can’t be done over night and nothing changes a community for the better like volunteering.

I work hard because I am passionate to help my patients feel youthful and healthy naturally. I have created and cultivated a resilient community that I authentically care about and continue to give back.

Stepping out on this trip to Uganda took me away to listen to my heart in new ways. It helped me by get out of the day to day, week to week schedule. I found participating in a positive impact with a community beyond my borders that certainly requires support, extended my purpose and allowed my daughter witness the same as such an early age.

#3. Expand Connections

In a society where technology has taken over, we can become lonely very quickly! We seem to let the clock run us so stepping out of our regular work environment which rules most of our day, can interfere with our ability to expand our network.

We count on our digital communities keep us connected but over time without personal engagement, can prove to distance and isolate us from having meaningful impact and interpersonal relationships. Volunteering in person seems to help balance my work schedules. It allows me to get out of the office, house or the same old routine to broaden my horizons with others who have similar passion and interests to contribute.

Experiencing the honor to give back in a meaningful way while meeting others willing to do the same, adds a special spark of life from the heart. It can ground your focus on making a living when a new experience reminds you to be present and simply enjoy the process.

#4. Improve your Health (mind, body and spirit)

Improving your health is what I teach my family, patients and apply personally all week long. I know how we think, live and feel can have a direct, real impact, upon our own health and longevity.

I find it interesting when I donate my time and invest unconditionally in an organization that has a proven track record to show they are making a positive difference in the health of a community, I participate in the rise of everyone’s physical, emotional and spiritual health together. It is powerful when we get outside of ourselves for some time to connect, improve and harmonize with the lives of others.

Giving back life force as it relates to health is a special offering I understand. It goes beyond financial contributions. The ability to be an example and live a simple healthy life has its gifts far beyond any ones imagination and it is personal.

Don’t stay on the sidelines with your own health or learning about balancing mind, body and soul by observing others who are less fortunate. They reveal secrets due to their limited resources that can become part of their gift back to you.

It is best to simply take action for yourself, one step at a time, so you can become the example for others. You do not have to be an expert in health to share what has worked for you with others interested in your like-minded objectives.

#5. Lead Others by Example

My friend Vivian who founded JLMC Foundation has a special story that inspired her to build her non-profit. It is important to know, you do not have to go to that length to contribute as you can lead others by your own example.

When if comes to any great idea or an honest effort in leadership think of ways to help in the long term by providing an ongoing contribution. I find when I give back, I choose pure organizations or ways to open myself to opportunities that take my leadership to new heights. I witnessed this with my daughter, Hannah, as she interacted with the girls in Uganda, some of them younger than her.

Yes, there were days when we thought it was too hot and uncomfortable to feel inspired to do anything for anyone. Just like in life, when you move beyond the small things and show up to the bigger experiences, like seeing the joy in those we serve, the feeling of being inconvenienced for a short time disappears when our efforts add value to others we were serving.

#6. Share Your Skills

I know we all have a special gift to offer the world, so find it in you and share with others who will appreciate it.

What do you feel is your strength?

It is important to put your heart, mind and talents to the test by donating and volunteering for a particular cause or organization to help others as you allow yourself to grow as well. I can seem like such a surprise when you strengthen your own talents and passion as you humbly make a difference.

Embrace the celebration of sharing your skills to help others. I can assure you it comes back to you 1,000-fold.

#7. Embrace the Good Feeling

Over the years I have discovered giving back builds our emotional wealth, and simply feels good. When I contribute to help others, I can feel the natural side effect that reaffirms my own beliefs that there is goodness within ourselves and others.

We just do not see enough examples of this in the society we live in today unless it is a celebrity. Know you do not have to be famous to find what fore fills those desires from within your soul.

When you feel it, embrace the good feeling every time.

#8. Give Authentically

Everyday I am inspired to contribute authentically with empathy. It is natural to give back to others in ways you believe is appreciated and gives you a higher sense of self knowing if the circumstances were reverse someone would be there for you also.

Without a real reason, for a true cause, with a solid story, contributions appear to be shallow and received as some type of self-adoration. Dig deeper into yourself, and embrace your legitimate heartfelt needs. It is only then that you can make an impact with hope and intention to authentically give back!

Self-Care Includes Giving Back
Let your Vision become Bigger than YOU and Share your Desire to GIVE!

I truly hope you enjoyed a year of giving on some scale. It becomes easier to take action with the opportunity to grow in this way if you begin small then expand your commitment gradually. I feel satisfied on every level of my life when I continue to make a variety of commitments to GIVE BACK each year!

I would like to hear from you! Please share with me ways you have made difference in your family, community, preferably outside of your professional life. If you didn’t have the opportunity to indulge in this special way to personally grow, or haven’t found the organization that fits your heart, let me know that too. I would enjoy discussing ideas we can come up with together.

It is hard to believe another year is coming to an end. The light of an ending is the beginning that gives you a brand new start. Find your 8 top reasons to give back in your life and enjoy reflecting with grace as you begin another new year.

I would like to thank you for being in my life of service and would like to wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season into the New Year!

Reach Out To Me
SHARE Ideas You Choose to Give Back!
…email me 24/7:

LIVE to be 139 Years Strong: Turning Degeneration into Regeneration

Robyn Benson

Published on September 12, 2018

Learn how to LIVE to be 139 Years in this Doctor Driven Seminar with Interactive Workshop

Most of us understand what it means to have a degenerative diseaseWikipedia explains degenerative disease as the result of a continuous process based on degenerative cell changes, affecting tissues or organs, which will increasingly deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits. Another reason for the degeneration of cells could be metabolism, both the natural decrease in metabolism as a person ages and abnormalities in metabolic rate due to genetics. Degenerative diseases are often contrasted with infectious diseases.

Many find this perspective of aging hopeless for obvious reasons.  I am excited to share a vision of the future of an anti-aging lifestyle.

My ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies) at Santa Fe Soul considers the polar opposite a degenerative or aging process which supports regenerative solutions and practices. Regenerative medicine reverses the thinking around degenerative disease. It’s the science of boosting healing naturally in damaged tissues and in under-functioning endocrine and immune systems. This is achieved with nutrition therapy, stem cells and oxidative medicine (ozone and high dose vitamin C IVs). It also includes restoring healthy joints, hair growth, skin rejuvenation and sexual function with your own platelet rich plasma (PRP).

I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) celebrating innovative and game changing approaches to today’s health care. As I travel the world to learn more about the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew, restore, and revive peoples’ health I invested in the technology and education to offer a complete menu of services built around regenerative medicine in my practice.

Can you imagine living to be 139 years strong?

It appears our current health care system is failing us, so those living an anti-aging lifestyle are taking their health in their own hands and discovering how regenerative medicine is the wave of the future.  Anyone researching the benefits of complementary medicine will discover many natural ways that are now supporting a positive outlook to health. I made a short list of therapies that have become popular at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health over 15 years:

Prolozone has been used for athletes for years.  Now everyday patients with chronic pain are learning how Prolozone can help promote the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints and ways it can be applied to various musculoskeletal problems.

PRP has been used to improve the quality of men and women’s skin (also known as Vampire Facelift®), breasts (also known as Vampire Breastlift®), hair regeneration (also known as Vampire Hairlift®).  Recently PRP has been proven to help women with incontinence and pain with sex, called an O-Shot®, and to help men with ED, called the P-Shot®.

10-Pass Ozone Therapy which has become the latest and greatest tool for the treatment of many diseases!

-> Reduces blood pathogens including bacteria, viruses and molds.

-> White blood cell activity is increased.

-> Stem cell production and liberation are both increased.

-> Increase mitochondrial activity

UVB/Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation plus Ozone together which has become a safe and natural therapy using light as a natural antibiotic, read more. UVBI may sound intimidating, but the health benefits are immense.  By introducing UV waves (which are found in sunlight) to your blood, your body is helped in fighting off viruses and bacterial infections as well as given an immune boost to fight off illness.

IV Therapies are various treatments that are available to help with everything from illness to fatigue to detoxification:

The Myers’s Cocktail of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and B complex has been shown to be effective in treating migraines, chronic fatigue and respiratory infections.

A Vitamin C IV can boost your immune system, help get rid of infection and, according to a WebMD* article, is linked to boosting the capability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.

A Magnesium push can be another good way to treat acute migraines while also combating various cardiovascular diseases.  Magnesium also improves blood flow and blood pressure.

The GSH Glutathione push is an antioxidant powerhouse.  Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant and is found in every cell in the body.  We lose Glutathione as we age.  The use of a GSH Glutathione push helps replace lost Glutathione, which in turn helps to detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

A Heavy Metal Detox not only detoxifies key systems and organs in the body like the liver and kidneys, it also supports the immune system.

As a practicing DOM, I am thrilled to be hosting a Doctor Seminar with interactive workshops designed to train other practitioners solutions designed to turn degeneration into regeneration.  Harper Restoration System is presenting an Advanced Biological Allograft with Ozone and aesthetics with Biological Allograft at my center in Santa Fe each fall. I invite you to contact me today to take advantage of these powerful natural therapies that can change your patient’s life.

This is a Doctor-Driven, very advanced, class being introduced to practitioners interested in helping their patients regenerate naturally.  All attendees will provide the input needed to help lead the class.

We  require all students to complete the pre-screening questionnaires and watch videos before attending class.  Attendees will purchase their Biologic Allograft equipment before this begins workshop so the practitioners will be ready to begin applying what they have learned on Monday when they get back to their offices.

We will introduce distinguished expert physicians’ instructors:

Dr. Dennis Harper, DC is a renowned physician, speaker, and trainer in Regenerative Medicine using Ozone, Vitamins, and Biological Allograft in innovative applications and protocols that he has developed to treat patients. Along with research and terminology, you will learn about several different types of sources that are currently on the market, how they actually work, as well as the risks & benefits. You will learn administration methods, when to use each, and how to implement these techniques into your existing practice.

If you are interested in learning more about how youthful aging is a choice with ART, get free access here. If you are referring your Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM), Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD), Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) so they can offer outpatient solutions that can regenerate your health, let us know and we will reach out to them.  Space is limited to 15 attendees for each Doctor-Driven seminar we offer.

Discover More About YOU!

Results = Feel Younger + Beautiful + Sexier + Clear Mind + Sharp Thinking

My name is Dr. Robyn Benson and I am an author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions!  I am the owner and founder of Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health for over 14 years located in the “Land of Enchantment,” New Mexico.

For over 25 years, I have applied my considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Herbs, IV therapies and love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health.  I look forward to meeting you and learning how ART can support your regenerative lifestyle.

HELP ME! My Hair is Thinning!

Robyn Benson

Published on August 27, 2018

Are you crying for help because your hair is thinning?

Are you fearful it will get worse?

Do you dream of a natural, affordable solution that gives you results with little downtime?

If your answers to the above questions are, “Yes,” please read further and also download our FREE ebook. You will learn more  about new documented research available, university studies with before and after photos, access to a powerful article by the International Journal of Trichology and more.

We now know hair growth is an integral part of your health and it is not just an issue for men.   Hair loss is a direct reflection of what your body is telling you and can obviously affect self-confidence and self-perception when the image of yourself shifts compounding stress levels as your visual appearance changes.

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I have offered the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew, restore and revive people’s health for over 25 years.  I have called these natural, science-based solutions ART — Amplified Regenerative Therapies.

I am honored to help men and women to improve their health and lifestyles with success for many decades.  It is thrilling to announce new science that provides relief to those with thinning and damaged hair also.  Many postmenopausal women seek my care for this condition but the biggest shock includes teens suffering with hair loss due to their toxic and high-stress lifestyles.

The signs of thinning hair and imminent hair loss affecting you, or anyone you know, can be self-diagnosable. Lab tests or imaging are not required.

What causes your hair to fall out?

Hair loss is common. Don’t be ashamed because a lot of people, including younger people, are concerned about of thinning hair or hair loss today.

Let’s review the list of possible areas that might relate to hair loss: 

Family history. How does your mother or father’s hair look? Are you having the same problem with hair loss or thinning? When hair loss runs in your family, you inevitably will also have the same problem with your hair.

Stress. Are you always stressed? Stress can be a major culprit. Physical stress from surgery, illness, or high fever and mental stress, especially when it is ongoing, can result in hair loss.  Pregnancy can also cause your hair to fall out due to the stress your body endures during pregnancy.

Medications. Do any medications you are taking cause side effects that result in hair loss? Some medications for cancer, depression, heart problems, arthritis and high blood pressure has this side effect.

Chemotherapy. Are you or have you undergoing—or undergone– chemotherapy? Chemotherapy frequently causes hair loss. It destroys the cancer cells as well as the normal cells, causing hair to fall out.  This can affect hair growth and regrowth.

Hair Damage.  Are you fond of tight ponytails, braids, curling irons, or dyes? These can damage your hair and can eventually cause hair loss.

Hormones. Did you recently stop taking birth control, or are you going through menopause? Pregnant women, those who have discontinued birth control, and menopausal women can also cause temporary thinning of hair, but after these are resolved, normal hair growth can be achieved.

Age. Have you noticed your hair thinning as you age? As you age, your hair grows less, gets thinner and becomes more brittle. This is why older people commonly experience thinning hair, baldness, and hair loss.

Diet. Are you eating the right kind of foods for healthy hair? Many people don’t have the best dietary practices, so people don’t get enough nutrients and minerals essential for hair growth. If you are not eating enough protein and foods rich in iron, zinc and biotin, hair loss can occur.

Thyroid diseases. Have you ever been diagnosed with a thyroid disease? If you are suffering from thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, hair loss is a common problem.

Ringworm of the scalp. Do you check your children’s scalp? This is common in children, and causes bald patches.

Alopecia Areata. Have you tested for AA or patchy hair loss? Alopecia Areata called AA, results in sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches that can overlap.  AA is a disorder in which the body’s immune system actually attacks hair follicles.

If you find yourself reading this because you feel you are losing too much hair, or know someone who is, you came to the right place to learn more about a natural way to support a beautiful head of hair. We offer hope and solutions that are affordable, effective, and provide a quick recovery that doesn’t involve surgery at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.  Get access to more details in our FREE ebook.

At Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health we use my ART with patients who have confirmed PRP has helped them resolve hair loss, and join pain, incontinence, ED, saggy breasts, wrinkled skin and more.  We have documented these treatments and results.

So, what is PRP therapy?  This stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which uses your own blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate your body and in this case your hair.  PRP is a natural regenerative scalp and hair treatment.  I have provided PRP to thousands of patients throughout my many years of practice.

Enjoy learning more in my FREE ebook, “Help ME! My Hair is Thinning!”   This ebook displays before and after images on exciting research that includes a university study and a Medical Journal article documenting how doctors are inspired by the power of PRP to help their patients naturally regenerate hair and more.

How much is “too much” falling hair?

How do you feel about your thinning hair?

Can hair loss be genetic?

What are the early symptoms of hair loss?

How do you know if hair loss is permanent or temporary?

Will hair grow back?

What causes hair to fall out?

How do you treat thinning hair?

What is the PRP or Vampire Hairlift®?

What are the advantages?

How does it work?

How do you know if PRP or Vampire Hairlift® is a good fit for you?

Call us today 8 am – 9 pm MST to schedule your appointment with me at 505.474.8555 or email us 24/7: . You can also visit my website for additional short videos and more details about PRP Hairlift.

Warrior Women’s Wealth and Wellness

Robyn Benson

Published on June 20, 2018

Meet ‘Kim Swims’ in person!

Kimberley Chambers
 will be in Santa Fe on Friday,  July 13th from 6-8 pm at BODY. Kim is a record-breaking athlete, marathon open water swimmer, feminist and dreamer from New Zealand.  Enjoy watching this movie trailer that has won many awards as a powerful documentary:  Kim Swims

Kim will be joined by 5 Top Warrior Women who will share their journey to wellness that lead them down a path to define a new way to wealth.  Meet: Dr. Susan BoolBol (specializes in Hematology/Oncology and is affiliated with Mount Sinai Beth Israel ), Elizabeth Liechty ChFC, CLU (partner at the Charter Financial Group, a private financial planning services firm), Jody Feagan (co-founder with Katie Roundtree of 100 Women Who Care in Santa Fe), Dr. Robyn Benson (Doctor of Oriental Medicine focusing on natural ART–Amplified Regenerative Therapies), Lorin Parrish (Founder of BODY).

So, are you ready to BE you? BE the unique individual that you were created to be, that Warrior Woman with a unique purpose. Our panel of amazing women are here today to help us ALL re-imagine and redefine what our true WEALTH is. It comes down to our relationships, health – both physically, spiritually and emotional. Please join us to hear their stories, how they found and embraced their unique purposes to BE-come and realize their true wealth on their journey of life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and BODY are proud to bring you an amazing group of real life Warrior Women. We don’t have to go to the movies to find inspiring real-life woman when we can simply look within ourselves.

Here is where you get access to the details of this event.

Contributions will go to the 100 Women Who Care in Santa Fe– Co-Founders Jody Feagan & Katie Roundtree

Brief notes on each speaker:

Keynote Speaker Kimberley Chambers – Record-breaking athlete, marathon open water swimmer, feminist and dreamer from New Zealand. Kim is also known for her nationally released film Kim Swims. She is the ONLY WOMAN to ever complete the Oceans Seven which is a marathon swimming challenge consisting of seven open water channel swims.  To put this in perspective only 6 people in the world has ever completed it. Watch Kim’s Trailer to her Award-Winning Documentary Film

Jody Feagan – Co-Founder with Katie Roundtree of 100 Women Who Care 

Dr. Robyn Benson –  Dr. Robyn Benson, author, speaker, self-care and regenerative medicine expert is known by many to be the health detective with life-changing solutions!

For 26 years, she has applied proven science-based solutions and her love for travel to allow patients to resolve acute and chronic health challenges to achieve optimal and sustainable health.

Dr Susan K. Boolbol – is a nationally known breast surgical oncologist. Her passion is treating the woman with breast cancer as a whole and not just treating the cancer. She believes that we should emerge from difficult times stronger and with more balanced priorities.

Elizabeth Liechty – A Financial Planner whose focus with clients has been to help them re-imagine and redefine what true wealth represents…. Elizabeth began the process fulfilling her own passion project to BE authentic. Elizabeth has written a Best-Selling children’s grief book called, “The Blue Elephant,” which has now also premiered as an animated film at the Annapolis Film Festival.

Hosts / Sponsors for this Event

  • Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health– Founder Dr. Robyn Benson brings an innovative and game changing approach to health care. Robyn designed this center with most advanced leading-edge therapies like acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies, PRP, ART, natural solutions designed to help patients get out of pain, look and feel younger.
  • BODY – Body is a Santa Fe based health and wellness center that offers eco-conscious clothing, a health café, leading-edge massage and facial treatments, studio and fitness classes, as well as host community-inspiring events like this one.  Founder / Owner of Body, Lorin Parrish will be providing healthy BODY Food for this event.

Do you have any questions about this event or how to save your seat?

Contact us at Santa Fe Soul

Call Santa Fe Soul (M-F 8 am – 5 pm):  505-474-8555

Email us:

Remember, there is limited seating so grab your tickets fast, and tell you friends to book.  You do not want to miss this event!

5 Top Healthy Solutions for Allergies!

Robyn Benson

Published on March 14, 2018

More and more people seem to have a heightened sensitivity to an allergen of some kind (a food, pollen, dust, mold…) which can cause the immune system to overreact in order to defend itself.

The immune system typically responds to a harmful substance, such as wheat, dairy, peanuts or what is common now in New Mexico the Juniper pollen when exposed to the body.  People with allergies recognize their immune system might work overtime on what appears to be relatively harmless exposure.

The persons reaction can range from mild discomfort to a life-threatening situation.

General allergy symptoms appear similar to the flu without the fever!  Most with an allergy will display a combination of symptoms like:  watery eyes; runny nose; sneezing; itchy throat; nasal congestion; wheezing; fatigue; coughing; stomach ache; fatigue; irritability; skin irritation; and maybe hives.

Hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma are all due to allergic reactions.

When you determine if your allergic episode was due to something in the air (pollen, pet dander), an insect sting (i.e. venom of bees and wasps), a chemical, medication or from something you ate, here are the top questions to can ask yourself for clues:

  • What have you eaten differently?
  • Do you work outdoors, or have you been active outdoors recently?
  • Have you had a recent traumatic stressful experience?
  • Have you been in contact with something that might have irritated your eyes or skin?

The answers to these questions will help guide your doctor to becoming more specific and may request scheduling for a simple skin or blood test.  If you have a serious allergy or reaction, make sure you get to the hospital as fast as possible as allergies can be life threatening. If it is a food allergy we offer a simple test to identify the foods with a complete report.  This will include a list of foods to avoid based on the results.

For 25 years of practice, I have offered natural solutions that are proven and work, like:

  •      Acupuncture –  Decreases inflammation and supports the endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid) and fortifies the detox organs (liver, kidney, lung and spleen).
  •      Chinese herbs and Homeopathy – Histoplex, Xanthium Relieve Surface, Jade Screen or Allergena 6, Juniper 200x homeopathic (that you can begin a month before the season begins for quick results).
  •      Nasal sprays – Restore™ Sinus Spray and Ozone Nasal Insufflation can help to clean out the sinus cavity.
  •      Eye drops – Lubrisine Eye Drops helps to soothe itchy, burning eyes.
  •      Diet therapy – A simple blood test can reveal a complete list of foods to avoid.

Are you ready for relief with a natural solution today?

We are here for you when you call 505-986-1089 M-F   8 am – 5 pm or emailing us.

8 Lifestyle Choices for Better Heart Health

Robyn Benson

Published on February 5, 2018

8 Lifestyle Choices for Better Heart Health
by Robyn Benson

We have all heard the American Heart Association’s warnings to men about heart disease for years. Now, heart attacks have become the top killer of women too. Thankfully, there are easy lifestyle changes we can implement to encourage good heart health. Below are the top eight lifestyle choices that affect heart health.

1. Studies have shown that stress can change the way blood clots, which can increase the risk of heart attack. Create simple habits to follow to deal and manage your stress.
2. Celebrate a healthy heart with good food and nutrition for your heart. Enjoy omega-3’s (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and trout), nuts (almonds or walnuts) and berries (heart-healthy phytonutrients and soluble fiber).
3. If you are significantly above your ideal healthy weight, change it. Don’t put yourself at higher risk, like high blood pressure, that could lead to heart disease.
4. The 21st century saying, Sitting is the New Smoking has been based on studies that confirm sitting for long periods of time increases your risk of having a heart attack the same as if you smoke.
5. Depression enhances sticky platelets, which are the tiny cells that can cause blood to clot. Learn more about Amplified Regenerative Therapies (ART) which are natural, unique scientific outpatient programs.
6. Addictions like tobacco, alcohol and drugs can lead to many health problems. Tobacco smoke reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can carry to the heart and nicotine can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Drinking can hurt your heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and raise your blood pressure. Drugs affect your heart’s efficiency in its ability to pump and more. Ask about our 28-day program.
7. Erectile dysfunction and heart disease go hand in hand. The inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex may be a warning sign leading to serious heart problems.
8. Get a good night’s sleep and lighten your heart’s workload as your blood pressure and heart rate go down at night. Learn ways to keep a full sleep cycle to decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Love Your Heart Health with Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM and founder of Santa Fe Soul, offers ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies) with cutting-edge medicine backed by science. For more information, call 505-986-1089, visit or Dr.

Knee, Back, and Shoulder Pain Cured With Prolozone

Robyn Benson

Published on August 15, 2017

Are you one of the 100 million Americans that suffer from chronic pain? Does it affect your mood, energy, and your ability to show up in the world the way you desire? Traditional treatment options such as pain killers have created an opioid addiction epidemic. It has torn many families apart while leaving people in more pain than when they started treatment. Pain killers do nothing to help facilitate healing and predispose many to addiction. This has left many seeking solutions that are safe and effective.

What if I told you that there is a solution that not only works fast but actually facilitates healing rather than just blocks the pain signal. Not only that, but does all of this without any nasty side effects.

I want to introduce you to Prolozone Therapy. Prolozone Therapy is an injection technique similar to prolotherapy that uses ozone. The use of ozone causes the joint to heal much more quickly than in traditional prolotherapy. Prolozone is a form of non-surgical ligament reconstruction that is often a permanent treatment for chronic pain. By repairing the connective tissue this is all that is needed to reverse chronic pain.

Pain will persist as long as the connective tissue in a joint remains damaged. Connective tissue can be scarred, torn, or overly stretched. Prolozone injections stimulate tissue to repair itself, strengthening and tightening, and ultimately stabilizing the joint. Prolozone therapy involves the injections of ozone into soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons. This causes a localized inflammation in these weak areas, which then increases the blood supply and flow of nutrients, the stimulation of anabolic cells, fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and chondroblasts. These effects stimulate the tissue to repair itself, strengthening and tightening, and thereby stabilizing the area.

I have treated 1,000’s of patients with Prolozone therapy. The results have been nothing short of spectacular. Many of my patients were able to cancel surgery after experiencing the incredible results of Prolozone Therapy. In over 25 years of clinical experience, there is nothing that is as fast, effective, and safe for pain relief than Prolozone Therapy.

Youthful Aging is a Choice

Robyn Benson

Published on July 24, 2017

The Breakthrough Science of Regenerative Medicine

by Robyn Benson, D.O.M.

The US spends more on health care than other high-income nations, but has a lower life expectancy and poorer health. Our country is ranked 37 in the world in all around health care (among industrialized countries), while the rates of obesity and chronic conditions continue to increase.

At least 80-90% of all diseases today are caused by lifestyle choices. In addition to poor food choices, a high sugar diet, and increased stress, most Americans are not exercising and getting adequate sleep like our ancestors once did.

With modern technology such as laptops, computers, modern lighting, and our 24-7 “on” lifestyle including smart phones (aka electronic COCAINE), it is easy to see how the digital age is also causing us to age rapidly. We are breaking down faster than we can regenerate. Why? Because our cells and circadian rhythms are not designed for these artificial frequencies and are not allowing the proper amounts of rest, exercise and outdoor “fresh air time” to refuel.

We often forget that the human body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself and age well if we simply follow the laws of nature. What is most promising today for youthful aging is the whole new realm of regenerative medicine.

Regenerative medicine is the reverse of aging and degenerative disease. It’s the science of boosting healing naturally in damaged tissues and under-functioning endocrine and immune systems with nutrition therapy, stem cells and oxidative medicine (ozone and Vitamin C IVs). It also includes restoring healthy joints, hair growth, skin rejuvenation and sexual function with your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

PRP is a concentrated sample of your own blood, composed primarily of high levels of platelets. Growth factors derived from platelets are responsible for soft tissue repair, bone regeneration, development of new blood vessels, and stimulation of the wound healing process.  

Imagine all the surgeries that are being avoided, health restored and diseases prevented naturally with PRP and regenerative medicine. It is an exciting time to age youthfully with an informed self-care lifestyle and the promise and success of regenerative medicine.

Call 505-986-1089 and visit to find out more about this program. The website also includes a wealth of information about how to live better and age healthfully. And visit my personal website: