Heading into Fall with Full Health
at Santa Fe Soul, by Dr. Robyn Benson
Whether you eagerly embrace the start of fall or you have a hard time saying goodbye to summer, the change in seasons affects us all.
Colder weather and less sunlight can leave us feeling tired, foggy, depressed and lethargic. Not to mention the time change, which takes place on November 1 this year. Setting the clocks back by one hour can play havoc with our body’s inner clock, leaving us frazzled for days as we adjust to fewer hours of daylight, and to falling asleep and waking up according to a whole new schedule. When autumn leaves start to fall and temperatures cool, seasonal allergies can kick in, due to ragweed, mold that grows in piles of damp leaves, and dust mites that materialize when we turn on our heaters.
While we can’t stop the timeless cycle of the seasons, you don’t have to suffer as summer fades to fall, and fall soon turns to winter. At Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, we offer a powerful combination of natural traditional and alternative medicine to help you overcome health challenges that arise as your body adapts to fall.

Acupuncture—an ancient Chinese healing technique—can alleviate a number of seasonal issues, from allergies to depression, fatigue and sleep problems. Using fine needles placed along pathways that deliver Qi, or energy, throughout your body, acupuncture stimulates your muscles, nerves and tissues. The result is the restoration of your body’s healthful energy balance, which can make adapting to the seasonal change a breeze.

Intravenous therapies (IV therapies) are another powerful tool for transitioning through the seasons. At Santa Fe Soul, aka The IV Center of Santa Fe, we’ll help you select the right IV formulas for your health needs. Our signature nutrient IV therapies restore energy levels and promote excellent overall health. Our experienced practitioners will work with you to customize formulas to solve your specific health challenge. Or, try our Thrive Shots, potent combinations of B Complex, amino acids, Magnesium, Procaine and other nutrients that can ease depression, low energy, pain and help with many other health problems.
All of these services and more are part of my Amplified Regenerative Therapies (A.R.T.) at Santa Fe Soul. I created these revolutionary programs to help you discover and expand your healthiest self and take charge of your own health. In addition to acupuncture, IV therapies and Thrive Shots, A.R.T. Includes oxidative therapies and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and herbs to alleviate chronic pain, headaches, hormonal imbalance and many other health issues.
Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you transition to fall, and transform your life. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.
Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health
2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3
Santa Fe, NM 87505