Are you crying for help because your hair is thinning?
Are you fearful it will get worse?
Do you dream of a natural, affordable solution that gives you results with little downtime?
If your answers to the above questions are, “Yes,” please read further and also download our FREE ebook. You will learn more about new documented research available, university studies with before and after photos, access to a powerful article by the International Journal of Trichology and more.
We now know hair growth is an integral part of your health and it is not just an issue for men. Hair loss is a direct reflection of what your body is telling you and can obviously affect self-confidence and self-perception when the image of yourself shifts compounding stress levels as your visual appearance changes.
As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I have offered the most advanced leading-edge therapies, procedures and products designed to renew, restore and revive people’s health for over 25 years. I have called these natural, science-based solutions ART — Amplified Regenerative Therapies.
I am honored to help men and women to improve their health and lifestyles with success for many decades. It is thrilling to announce new science that provides relief to those with thinning and damaged hair also. Many postmenopausal women seek my care for this condition but the biggest shock includes teens suffering with hair loss due to their toxic and high-stress lifestyles.
The signs of thinning hair and imminent hair loss affecting you, or anyone you know, can be self-diagnosable. Lab tests or imaging are not required.

What causes your hair to fall out?
Hair loss is common. Don’t be ashamed because a lot of people, including younger people, are concerned about of thinning hair or hair loss today.
Let’s review the list of possible areas that might relate to hair loss:
Family history. How does your mother or father’s hair look? Are you having the same problem with hair loss or thinning? When hair loss runs in your family, you inevitably will also have the same problem with your hair.
Stress. Are you always stressed? Stress can be a major culprit. Physical stress from surgery, illness, or high fever and mental stress, especially when it is ongoing, can result in hair loss. Pregnancy can also cause your hair to fall out due to the stress your body endures during pregnancy.
Medications. Do any medications you are taking cause side effects that result in hair loss? Some medications for cancer, depression, heart problems, arthritis and high blood pressure has this side effect.
Chemotherapy. Are you or have you undergoing—or undergone– chemotherapy? Chemotherapy frequently causes hair loss. It destroys the cancer cells as well as the normal cells, causing hair to fall out. This can affect hair growth and regrowth.
Hair Damage. Are you fond of tight ponytails, braids, curling irons, or dyes? These can damage your hair and can eventually cause hair loss.
Hormones. Did you recently stop taking birth control, or are you going through menopause? Pregnant women, those who have discontinued birth control, and menopausal women can also cause temporary thinning of hair, but after these are resolved, normal hair growth can be achieved.
Age. Have you noticed your hair thinning as you age? As you age, your hair grows less, gets thinner and becomes more brittle. This is why older people commonly experience thinning hair, baldness, and hair loss.
Diet. Are you eating the right kind of foods for healthy hair? Many people don’t have the best dietary practices, so people don’t get enough nutrients and minerals essential for hair growth. If you are not eating enough protein and foods rich in iron, zinc and biotin, hair loss can occur.
Thyroid diseases. Have you ever been diagnosed with a thyroid disease? If you are suffering from thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, hair loss is a common problem.
Ringworm of the scalp. Do you check your children’s scalp? This is common in children, and causes bald patches.
Alopecia Areata. Have you tested for AA or patchy hair loss? Alopecia Areata called AA, results in sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches that can overlap. AA is a disorder in which the body’s immune system actually attacks hair follicles.
If you find yourself reading this because you feel you are losing too much hair, or know someone who is, you came to the right place to learn more about a natural way to support a beautiful head of hair. We offer hope and solutions that are affordable, effective, and provide a quick recovery that doesn’t involve surgery at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health. Get access to more details in our FREE ebook.
At Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health we use my ART with patients who have confirmed PRP has helped them resolve hair loss, and join pain, incontinence, ED, saggy breasts, wrinkled skin and more. We have documented these treatments and results.
So, what is PRP therapy? This stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which uses your own blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate your body and in this case your hair. PRP is a natural regenerative scalp and hair treatment. I have provided PRP to thousands of patients throughout my many years of practice.
Enjoy learning more in my FREE ebook, “Help ME! My Hair is Thinning!” This ebook displays before and after images on exciting research that includes a university study and a Medical Journal article documenting how doctors are inspired by the power of PRP to help their patients naturally regenerate hair and more.
How much is “too much” falling hair?
How do you feel about your thinning hair?
Can hair loss be genetic?
What are the early symptoms of hair loss?
How do you know if hair loss is permanent or temporary?
Will hair grow back?
What causes hair to fall out?
How do you treat thinning hair?
What is the PRP or Vampire Hairlift®?
What are the advantages?
How does it work?
How do you know if PRP or Vampire Hairlift® is a good fit for you?
Call us today 8 am – 9 pm MST to schedule your appointment with me at 505.474.8555 or email us 24/7: manager@santafesoul.com . You can also visit my website for additional short videos and more details about PRP Hairlift.