“The capacity of the human body to heal inspires me every day. When the body has all the nutrients that it needs, genetic factors are fully compensated for, and the body is no longer overwhelmed by toxicity, stress, or infection …extraordinary and complete healing can happen.”
Guest Bio:
Dr. Ann Shippy began her career in medicine when the traditional approach and the application of allopathic medicine could not solve her own health issues. At the time, she was working as an IBM engineer for over a decade, but when she became so frustrated with her healthcare situation she decided to leave the field of engineering and attend The University of Texas Medical School.
Dr. Ann’s approach to medicine is a unique blend of measured, precise data with a heartfelt and sympathetic attitude towards all of her patients. This method stems from her engineering background and her own failed experience as a patient of traditional medicine. Currently, she treats patients suffering from any combination of physical, environmental, or genetic issues.
Credentials & Professional Experience
I use cutting-edge science, innovative testing, research and genetic information to determine and address the root causes of health issues – not simply treat the symptoms of illness. I approach each patient as a whole person, and we form a therapeutic partnership to achieve the highest standard of health.
I began my career in medicine when the traditional approach and application of allopathic medicine could not solve my own health issues. I was working as an IBM engineer for over a decade when I became so frustrated with my healthcare situation that I decided to leave the field of engineering and attend The University of Texas Medical School.
My approach to medicine is a unique blend of measured, precise data with a heart-felt and sympathetic attitude towards all of my patients. This method stems from my engineering background and my own failed experience as a patient of traditional medicine. I treat patients suffering from any combination of physical, environmental or genetic issues.
The science and research that directly relates our environment and nutrition to health prompted me to found two health-based foundations. My hope is to contribute to and inspire a positive movement towards solving some of the more complex health challenges we face today – and to help create a world where everyone has the opportunity for wellness. #EVERYLIFEWELL.
My desire, purpose and plan to make EVERY LIFE WELL®
I am a physician, scientist, engineer and mom who works with science, clinical data, and research to provide you with the knowledge and the tools to achieve optimal health.
Episode Summary:
Dr. Ann Shippy combines both traditional medicine and functional medicine to help her patients discover what’s really holding them back health-wise. Dr. Ann shares the types of tests she likes to run on her patients, how to best grow older while also feeling younger, and discusses how epigenetics is actually showing us that we’re in control of our own health.
Title: The Way We Think Can Affect Our Genetics — Dr. Ann Shippy
Subtitle: The good news is, you’re not doomed if you have ‘bad’ family genes!
Key Takeaways:
Free Gift Offer: https://annshippymd.com/detoxcoupon/
Special Offer Item for Sale or Free Gift Offer:
Free Environmental toxicity guide and a 15% coupon on Liposomal glutathione.
Resources for a Younger Lifestyle:
Dr. Robyn Benson’s Free Youthful Aging eGuide
Connect with Dr. Ann: Annshippymd.com & Dr. Ann’s free offer: Free Environmental toxicity guide and a 15% coupon on Liposomal glutathione.
“It’s really about bridging the best of traditional allopathic medicine with functional medicine.”
“I really do think we can get better with age, especially the more we learn about our specific bodies.”
“If you’re not doing as good as you did in your teens, 20s, 30s, that’s something to really look at.”
“Meditation is one of the best things we can be doing to help ourselves. Even people who think they’re not good at meditating get a huge benefit from meditation.”