“Leaky gut is a term that refers to intestinal hyperpermeability and has increasingly become a common health problem for many today. Leaky gut creates MAJOR issues for the overall body, including autoimmunity.”
Guest Bio:
Dr. Robyn Benson is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) who brings an innovative and game-changing approach to today’s health care. Robyn offers the most advanced and cutting-edge therapies, procedures, and products designed to renew, restore, and revive health called A.R.T.: Amplified Regenerative Therapies.
Dr. Benson, author, speaker, and self-care and Regenerative Medicine* expert, is known by many to be THE health detective with life-changing solutions! She has been the owner and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health (now Regenerative Medicine) for close to two decades.
For almost 30 years, Dr. Benson has applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, herbs, IV therapies, and her love for healthy travel to help patients resolve acute and chronic health challenges and to achieve optimal and sustainable health without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery.
Episode Summary:
The gut, or gastrointestinal system, is truly a gateway to good health. The gut microbiome is an ecosystem of organisms including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses, and protozoan throughout the digestive tract.
Far beyond just digestive health, the following organ systems are also closely related to gut health:
“The food pyramid might be out of date and confusing to most.”
Many find they have refigured their food pyramid for convenience, without understanding the harm they are doing to their bodies. For many, it consists of:
“To be frank, none of these foods have any business being part of your diet at all.”
In this YOUNGER podcast episode, I will help you wake up to how the majority of our diets are now packaged meals with paragraph-long ingredient lists and labels we can’t understand due to convenience. We are all busy and cooking takes time, but if this is your situation, just know you may not be eating real food at all!
Here are a couple of alarming facts you should know:
The impact based on the fact that such chemicals that have been allowed into our lives is incomprehensible and might be considered experimental. As we become more and more aware of the consequences of this fake-food lifestyle we begin to recognize it is simply unacceptable! The disturbing facts above point to only a few key factors in the leaky gut epidemic, but I do find they are the bigger ones!
Here are a couple of alarming facts:
The impact based on the fact that such chemicals that have been allowed into our lives is incomprehensible and might be considered experimental. As we become more and more aware of the consequences of this fake-food lifestyle we begin to recognize it is simply unacceptable!
“This information is only one factor in the leaky gut epidemic, but I do find it one of the bigger ones!”
Title: The Leaky Gut Solution!
Key Takeaways:
Resources for a Younger Lifestyle:
A variety of gut episodes from YOUNGER podcast:
“Gut health doesn’t stop at digestion. The health of our gut affects nearly every system in our body!”
“Gluten allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances are becoming increasingly more common, “gluten-free” has become the “buzz word” within the health community, and people are finally beginning to understand how dangerous gluten can be for their health.”
“Much like the additives and preservatives flooding our food supply, pesticides are also a big part of what’s on our plates that even a strongest gut can’t seem to process and eliminate without help.”