The Joys of Giving Back
“For it is in giving that we receive.”
Quote by: St. Francis of Assisi
As this challenging year winds down, our thoughts turn to giving. There are holiday presents to find and wrap for family and friends and cookies to bake and share, along with greeting cards to send. But there’s another way to give, one which calls us to be of service to others and to our community.
Giving back by helping others provides a world of well-being, and not just to those we are helping.
Studies have shown that giving back helps our health, boosting happiness and self-esteem and decreasing depression, which can strike during the holidays. Lending a hand to a struggling stranger can show that us that we have the ability to transform others, as well as the world. And giving back ultimately gives us a sense that we matter.
If you haven’t yet discovered the joys of giving back, it’s easy to connect with places in your community that need help. You could volunteer at a local food pantry or with Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Become a mentor through a school or city program, or help out at a homeless shelter. Join a trail maintenance crew, pitch in at an animal shelter or simply connect with an elderly neighbor on your street and provide companionship. The opportunities for giving back are endless, and so are the rewards. Once you’ve started, don’t be surprised that you’ll want to volunteer throughout the year, not just during the holidays,
I find great joy in giving back through sharing my 30 years of clinical experience with others. In addition to working with patients in Santa Fe as well as around the country and the world, I enjoy offering complimentary treatments to demonstrate the healing power of the traditional and alternative medicine we offer at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, now celebrating 15 years.

The Open Houses we hold at Santa Fe Soul Center showcase the impressive array of natural science-backed solutions that we offer, from acupuncture and herbs to IV infusion and more. Guests get a chance to learn about A.R.T. (Amplified Regenerative Therapies), the revolutionary program I founded to turn degeneration into regeneration using oxidative therapies, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and other regenerative medicine strategies, all promoting a youthful, healthy lifestyle. And visitors always love trying out our ART Lab, an inspiring place to optimize your brain and body with cutting-edge wellness technology.

Although this holiday season won’t be like any other, we can brighten each and every moment by showing others how much we care. Won’t you join me in giving back to those we love and to those who need love? Happy Healthful Holidays!
Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you through the holiday season and continue to live a regenerative lifestyle while celebrating. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.
Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health
2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3
Santa Fe, NM 87505