Traveling can take it out of you. After hours in an airport or plane, days on the road and often a significant time change, you can feel exhausted. My new book, The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel offers great ways to avoid the stress of travel on your body, from how to avoid jet lag and getting sick to what not to eat when you’re wiped out.
You can learn more about how to a Healthy Conscious Traveler at the Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit, May 1-10. This revolutionary online program features 30 leading medical and travel experts sharing their best advice for healthy share with you! Click here to RSVP and for more info.
The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel is accompanied by the Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide. If you’re preparing for a trip, why not whip up a batch of these truffles, designed to give you an energy boost without the side effects of caffeine and too much sugar. They’re just one of the many delicious recipes designed for effortless travel that you’ll find in the Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide.
Tom’s Terrific Truffles (Makes 4 truffles)
1 scoop protein powder
4 tablespoons cacao powder
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon warm water
½ teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan salt
Mix all ingredients to a paste-like consistency. Form into 4 balls the size of golf balls and roll into loose cacao powder. Let chill for 10 minutes. Serve at room temperature.
If you have a great travel recipe you’d like to share, please leave it in the comments below! You can connect with Dr. Robyn Benson at www.santafesoul.com!