You Deserve the VIP Treatment

Robyn Benson

Published on May 17, 2021

You Deserve the VIP Treatment

Regain Optimal Health at Santa Fe Soul

Spring is here and everywhere you look, nature is regenerating and replenishing itself. Isn’t it time for you to do the same? To revitalize and renew every part of yourself from head to toe, from body to mind and spirit. You can achieve vibrant health, heightened vitality and a brand-new outlook on life when you experience a Self-Care VIP Day with me with that will transform your life.

The experience begins with an initial two-hour preview session so that you and I can discuss your unique health and well-being needs. The session will help us chart your personalized, focused and full self-care health plan and create the blueprint for your VIP Day.

Make sure you take my online complimentary regenerative FAST CLASS.

Your Self-Care VIP Day will bring you to my renowned Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico, one of the world’s most celebrated healing centers. During our eight-hour session, which includes an inspired organic meal, we’ll define problem areas and unblock whatever is preventing you from living your best health today. With a personalized action plan uniquely designed for you, and a combination of modalities I’ve chosen specifically for you, you can regain optimal health and empower yourself to take charge of your well-being for years to come.

Some of the modalities that we’ll explore include my unique A.R.T programs which are designed to “Amplify, Regenerate and Transform” you with the revolutionary science of regenerative medicine. This pioneering medicine harnesses the power of your body to heal itself naturally, without any surgery, toxic chemicals or recovery time. Using your own biology, regenerative medicine boosts healing in damaged tissues to alleviate chronic joint pain, restore youthful skin and achieve sexual rejuvenation.

You can learn the
5 REGENerative Therapies to  Grow Younger, Naturally.

Other tools at Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine can help with weight control, immune support, detoxification, menopause relief, men’s health, autoimmune conditions and many other health issues. These tools include acupuncture, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technology), Myer’s Cocktail and other IV Nutrition Therapies and Thrive Shots, Ozone Therapy and The ART Lab, offering cutting-edge technologies to promote brain optimization and body regeneration.

As your VIP Day ends, you will leave with specific self-care tools to live a healthy, vibrant life. We’ll stay in close contact for four to six months, through four half-hour follow-up calls once a month. My goal is to help you transform, re-energize and commit to your new, custom-designed program for vibrant health.

A VIP Day can be customized for men, women, and couples. The only requirement is a desire to regenerate your body, awaken your brain and reclaim your sexuality.

Isn’t it time you booked your VIP Day now?

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Journey to Destination Regenerate and Age Younger Naturally

Robyn Benson

Published on April 29, 2021

Journey to Destination Regenerate and Age Younger Naturally

Are you ready to make a quantum leap that will transform your entire life?

Take a journey this spring to the most important destination there is … yourself! With me as your guide, we’ll travel to Destination Regenerate, where you’ll receive a revolutionary personalized care plan for regaining your youthful, vibrant health. Together, we’ll turn back the hands of time as we optimize your current age so that you experience the freedom and vitality of your younger self.

How is this possible? Through the pioneering science of regenerative medicine, which harnesses the power of your body to heal itself in so many ways. Using your own natural cells, we’ll boost healing in damaged tissues, upgrading your health so that your best days lie ahead of you instead of behind you. No more brain fog, no more fatigue, no lack of sexual desire. Say yes to younger-looking skin, healthier hair and pain-free joints and muscles. My unique ART program will “Amplify, Regenerate and Transform” you, naturally—without any surgery, harsh, toxic chemicals, or recovery time.

Make sure you take my online complimentary FAST CLASS.

Get your ticket now for this extraordinary journey to optimal health, customized for women and men.  We begin with a free consultation to discuss your goals for feeling good again. Then, I’ll design a plan for your specific needs that will start you aging younger. The next step of your unique journey brings you to my renowned Santa Fe Soul in Santa Fe, New Mexico, one of the world’s powerful healing meccas.

You’ll quickly discover that Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine is nothing like your average med-spa, which offers in-and-out facials and massages resulting in glowing skin. Instead, my team and I are deeply grounded in science-based medicine and cutting-edge technologies that optimize your health and wellness. The regenerative medicine therapies we offer at Santa Fe Soul can reverse aging and degenerative disease and start regenerating by design.

Women, your Destination Regenerate pathway will help you regain your youthful glow and restore that sexy feeling in your body, without any surgery or recuperation time. You’ll discover that aging doesn’t have to mean looking old, losing energy or gaining weight. Instead, you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of in the body you’ve always desired.

For men, traveling the Destination Regenerate path also leads to growing younger naturally and getting your edge back. Your journey to reinvention will optimize your current age with renewed vitality, a passionate sex drive, and help with thinning hair. If you’re ready to reclaim your life with the body you’ve always desired, this path will empower you to realize you don’t have to look older than you feel.

You’ll leave Destination Regenerate with a customized blueprint, a map for continuing your regenerative lifestyle at home.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


The ART of Liberation for Women Retreat

Robyn Benson

Published on March 8, 2021

The ART of Liberation for Women Retreat.

“I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.” ~ Louise Hay

For more than a century, people around the world have celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, honoring the achievements of women everywhere. This year’s theme, “Choose to Challenge,” acknowledges that from challenge comes change. And when we choose to change, we can transform our lives from the inside out.

That’s why, in this month that celebrates the power of women, I invite you to harness your innate power for change while joining me on an exclusive 3-day ART of Liberation for Women Retreat, April 8-10th. Get ready for a breakthrough to the new you!

Are you ready to release the burdens that have been holding you back?

To reinvent, regenerate and reignite?

Then you won’t want to miss this life-changing retreat. Join a small group of pro-active women committed to self-care, in the high-desert mecca of Santa Fe. In the peaceful, healing, sacred and safe environment at Santa Fe Soul, Center for Regenerative Medicine, we’ll work to identify those ‘things,’ big or small, that exhaust you, extinguish your spark, slow your body down, and energetically drain you.

I created this ART of Liberation for Women Retreat to help women renew their youthful spark through high-end natural rejuvenation therapies. You’ll receive a comprehensive personalized health profile, your unique roadmap for youthful, energetic lifestyle, and we’ll artfully workshop natural ways to create the NEW YOU!

Here are just some of the powerful benefits you’ll take away from this 3-day retreat:

  • Realize the most powerful frequency on earth is the human soul on fire, reignite yours
  • Put your own body’s natural healing to work, and take your life to the next level
  • Nurturing others is what women do innately, but it translates best when rewarded with self-care
  • Smile with confidence when you look in the mirror
  • Acknowledge the power of regeneration, empower yourself with a proactive lifestyle that renews, restores, revives
  • Live your life by design, not by default
  • Celebrate your body and reclaim your sensual, sexual self
  • Embrace intimacy daily
  • Connect to the world and know your life matters

Find a preview of what you’ll discover during The ART of Liberation for Women Retreat in my free eBook, Overall Youthful Aging. You’ll learn about my highly successful Amplified Regenerative Therapies (ART) program, which draws on the extraordinary abilities of regenerative medicine and other natural pathways to help you become your healthiest self. Discover my 5 Pathways to Amplifying Your Life and how they support science-based regenerative therapies designed for optimal health.

Sign up NOW for your customized 3-day ART of Liberation for Women Retreat, as it’s limited to eight women. And get ready to live your best life today!

Hear from the women who have committed to amplify, regenerate and transform their lives’.

Regenerative Medicine offers many other powerful therapies that can transform your health. As a regenerative medicine specialist, I am always happy to evaluate your overall health to determine whether regenerative medicine can help you reach your goals. Contact me and my team at Santa Fe Soul this new year and we’ll get started on those New Year resolutions!

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Effective Fasting with Food

Robyn Benson

Published on February 15, 2021

Effective Fasting with Food

The Regenerative Benefits of the 5-Day Mimic Fast

I’m sure we’ve all made New Year’s resolutions for this coming year, and I bet that many of those resolutions aspire to vibrant health.

At Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine, my team and I started off the new year with a giant healthy step. We pledged to lose weight, rejuvenate and regenerate ourselves by following the 5-Day Mimic Fast we offer.

If you haven’t yet heard about this highly effective doctor-supervised dietary program—100% plant-based, gluten-free, non-GMO and zero artificial additives—let me fill you in. On top of weight loss and energy gain, the program promotes healthy aging and metabolic health. No starving or long-term dieting required! All of us at Santa Fe Soul quickly noticed after our 5-Day Mimic Fast that we had more energy and metabolic balance and, best of all, a noticeable decrease in our waistlines.

The 5-Day Mimic Fast works by switching your body into fasting mode, where your cells gain all the benefits of fasting but you can still eat food, in a limited amount.  The 5-day food kit includes foods measured in exact quantities and combinations to provide nourishment. Your body, however, doesn’t recognize these micro- and macro-nutrients as food, and so it mimics a fasting state. While your body doesn’t recognize these foods, you’ll be grateful for the items for each day included in your box, including dried soup blends, cocoa and nut bars, kale flax crackers, beverages and several supplements, all designed to nourish you and support your optimal health.

This “pro-longevity” program is the brainchild of Dr. Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. His research has shown that in addition to weight loss and other benefits, this 5-Day Mimic Fast can reduce your blood pressure, increase your resistance to stress and improve cognitive performance. Even better, studies show that weight loss remains steady after resuming a regular diet.

While we chose to kick off 2021 with this healthy, regenerative start, you can do the 5-Day Mimic Fast any time of year—each time you’re ready to renew your mind, body and spirit and gain the benefits of eliminating fat without starving in just five days.

If you would like to learn more about the advantages of this 5-Day Mimic Fast, watch this free 30-Minute Video with Dr. Christi Alsop of Santa Fe Soul Center for Regenerative Medicine, here.

All we need is your email to access this free webinar.  In addition, we will give you access to all the exciting new regenerative science-based programs we offer, with the goal to restore, renew and revive your health and lifestyle. Feel free to share this link with a friend, since information access is completely free.

When ready to order your own 5-Day Mimic Fast turn-key program directly, you can get access anytime, online 24/7 and receive an ongoing 15% discount after watching our doctors short, free online webinar here.

Regenerative Medicine offers many other powerful therapies that can transform your health. As a regenerative medicine specialist, I am always happy to evaluate your overall health to determine whether regenerative medicine can help you reach your goals. Contact me and my team at Santa Fe Soul this new year and we’ll get started on those New Year resolutions!

Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you through the holiday season and continue to live a regenerative lifestyle while celebrating. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


A New You, in this New Year

Robyn Benson

Published on January 11, 2021


A New You, in this New Year

Gain Vibrant Health at Santa Fe Soul

I’m sure we’ve all made New Year’s resolutions for this coming year, and I bet that many of those resolutions aspire to vibrant health.

At Santa Fe Soul, Center for Regenerative Medicine, we look forward to collaborating with you to achieve your health goals. If you want to regain optimal health and turn back the clock on aging, let me tell you about the revolutionary system I’ve created called A.R.T. (Amplified Regenerative Therapies). Using oxidative therapies, IV infusion and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, we help you discover and expand your healthiest self, and empower you to take charge of your own healing, without risky surgeries and exposure to harsh, harmful chemicals.

PRP is one of regenerative medicine’s most popular and versatile therapies, using platelet-rich plasma, an injectable substance containing platelets and their growth factors from your blood. PRP can help with sexual rejuvenation and incontinence; restore healthy hair and facial tissue; and heal injuries in joints and soft tissues, among many other benefits.

The popular Vampire Facelift®, uses PRP to stimulate blood flow to areas on the face, producing new cells and tissues to restore healthy, vibrant skin and reduce or eliminate wrinkles, lines and scars. Imagine looking younger in 2021, even after all the stress of 2020! You can, with just a 30-minute procedure that typically allows you to return to your daily activities as soon as you’re done.

Here’s what our clients are saying:

“I am in love with my first PRP Facelift with Dr. Benson.  Immediately I looked in the mirror and saw a woman who looked 10 years younger. I just don’t want a surgical face lift and I am glad there is this natural solution.  I highly recommend Dr. Benson and her artistic approach to sculpting beauty.” — D.P., Santa Fe

The PRP therapies for sexual rejuvenation can be life-changing. For women, the Orgasm Shot, or O-Shot®, is an effective, simple procedure to improve libido and sexual function, reverse incontinence and relieve pelvic pain. For men, the Priapus Shot, or P-Shot® aids in healing and tissue repair, optimizing sexual function, resolving ED and improving overall health.

Regenerative medicine offers many other powerful therapies that can transform your health. As a regenerative medicine specialist, I am always happy to evaluate your overall health to determine whether regenerative medicine can help you reach your goals. Contact me and my team at Santa Fe Soul this new year and we’ll get started on those New Year resolutions!

Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you through the holiday season and continue to live a regenerative lifestyle while celebrating. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


The Joys of Giving Back

Robyn Benson

Published on December 17, 2020


The Joys of Giving Back

“For it is in giving that we receive.”

Quote by: St. Francis of Assisi

As this challenging year winds down, our thoughts turn to giving.  There are holiday presents to find and wrap for family and friends and cookies to bake and share, along with greeting cards to send. But there’s another way to give, one which calls us to be of service to others and to our community.

Giving back by helping others provides a world of well-being, and not just to those we are helping.

Studies have shown that giving back helps our health, boosting happiness and self-esteem and decreasing depression, which can strike during the holidays. Lending a hand to a struggling stranger can show that us that we have the ability to transform others, as well as the world. And giving back ultimately gives us a sense that we matter.

If you haven’t yet discovered the joys of giving back, it’s easy to connect with places in your community that need help. You could volunteer at a local food pantry or with Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Become a mentor through a school or city program, or help out at a homeless shelter. Join a trail maintenance crew, pitch in at an animal shelter or simply connect with an elderly neighbor on your street and provide companionship. The opportunities for giving back are endless, and so are the rewards.  Once you’ve started, don’t be surprised that you’ll want to volunteer throughout the year, not just during the holidays,

I find great joy in giving back through sharing my 30 years of clinical experience with others. In addition to working with patients in Santa Fe as well as around the country and the world, I enjoy offering complimentary treatments to demonstrate the healing power of the traditional and alternative medicine we offer at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, now celebrating 15 years.

The Open Houses we hold at Santa Fe Soul Center showcase the impressive array of natural science-backed solutions that we offer, from acupuncture and herbs to IV infusion and more. Guests get a chance to learn about A.R.T. (Amplified Regenerative Therapies), the revolutionary program I founded to turn degeneration into regeneration using oxidative therapies, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and other regenerative medicine strategies, all promoting a youthful, healthy lifestyle. And visitors always love trying out our ART Lab, an inspiring place to optimize your brain and body with cutting-edge wellness technology.

Although this holiday season won’t be like any other, we can brighten each and every moment by showing others how much we care.  Won’t you join me in giving back to those we love and to those who need love? Happy Healthful Holidays!

Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you through the holiday season and continue to live a regenerative lifestyle while celebrating. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Giving Thanks with Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

Robyn Benson

Published on November 6, 2020


Giving Thanks

by Dr. Robyn Benson

I’m deeply grateful for my extraordinarily gifted and giving team at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health. Working with Dr. Christi Alsop and Clinical Assistant Thomas Meyers, as well as Manager Dara Montoya and Front Office Whiz Aldo Olivas, we’ve transformed hundreds of patients worldwide, using our unique combination of art and science that promotes a healthy, youthful lifestyle.

I have so much gratitude for my 30 years of clinical experience, which helped me create A.R.T. (Amplified Regenerative Therapies), my revolutionary system of natural, science-backed solutions. Each of these therapies helps people to turn back the clock and naturally grow biologically younger, without risky surgical procedures or harmful chemicals.

I’m also grateful for the many other powerful healing services we offer at Santa Fe Soul, including herbs and acupuncture. This incredibly successful ancient Chinese healing technique is great for the immune system and for most every health challenge. Our selection of potent IV infusions and Thrive Shots can provide instant help with mental and physical health, easing pain, depression, fatigue, hangovers and boosting your immune system.

All of us at Santa Fe Soul are immensely thankful for you, for choosing us as your one-stop shop for health needs, whether you’re seeking to restore your immune system or want to look, and feel, younger. And that reminds me to express my gratitude to all of you who have tuned in to hear YOUNGER, The A.R.T and Science of Youthful Aging, a groundbreaking podcast I launched early this year featuring interviews with leading health experts.

Whether you’ve visited us at Santa Fe Soul, where we’ve carefully implemented every safety protocol, or met with us virtually via Telehealth, we’re grateful for your work with us and for your dedication to your optimal health. It’s a gift to be able to empower you to take charge of your own health.

Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you through the holiday season and continue to live a regenerative lifestyle while celebrating. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Heading into Fall with Full Health at Santa Fe Soul

Robyn Benson

Published on October 5, 2020

Heading into Fall with Full Health

at Santa Fe Soul, by Dr. Robyn Benson

Whether you eagerly embrace the start of fall or you have a hard time saying goodbye to summer, the change in seasons affects us all.

Colder weather and less sunlight can leave us feeling tired, foggy, depressed and lethargic. Not to mention the time change, which takes place on November 1 this year. Setting the clocks back by one hour can play havoc with our body’s inner clock, leaving us frazzled for days as we adjust to fewer hours of daylight, and to falling asleep and waking up according to a whole new schedule. When autumn leaves start to fall and temperatures cool, seasonal allergies can kick in, due to ragweed, mold that grows in piles of damp leaves, and dust mites that materialize when we turn on our heaters.

While we can’t stop the timeless cycle of the seasons, you don’t have to suffer as summer fades to fall, and fall soon turns to winter. At Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, we offer a powerful combination of natural traditional and alternative medicine to help you overcome health challenges that arise as your body adapts to fall.

Acupuncture—an ancient Chinese healing technique—can alleviate a number of seasonal issues, from allergies to depression, fatigue and sleep problems. Using fine needles placed along pathways that deliver Qi, or energy, throughout your body, acupuncture stimulates your muscles, nerves and tissues. The result is the restoration of your body’s healthful energy balance, which can make adapting to the seasonal change a breeze.

Intravenous therapies (IV therapies) are another powerful tool for transitioning through the seasons. At Santa Fe Soul, aka The IV Center of Santa Fe, we’ll help you select the right IV formulas for your health needs. Our signature nutrient IV therapies restore energy levels and promote excellent overall health. Our experienced practitioners will work with you to customize formulas to solve your specific health challenge. Or, try our Thrive Shots, potent combinations of B Complex, amino acids, Magnesium, Procaine and other nutrients that can ease depression, low energy, pain and help with many other health problems.

All of these services and more are part of my Amplified Regenerative Therapies (A.R.T.) at Santa Fe Soul.  I created these revolutionary programs to help you discover and expand your healthiest self and take charge of your own health. In addition to acupuncture, IV therapies and Thrive Shots, A.R.T. Includes oxidative therapies and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and herbs to alleviate chronic pain, headaches, hormonal imbalance and many other health issues.

Schedule an appointment at Santa Fe Soul and discover how A.R.T. can help you transition to fall, and transform your life. If you prefer an online videoconference, contact us to schedule your telehealth appointment.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Introducing Thrive Shots at Santa Fe Soul

Robyn Benson

Published on September 9, 2020

Introducing Thrive Shots at Santa Fe Soul

Boost Your Health and Be Your Best Self

The transition from summer to fall can take its toll on all of us—mentally, emotionally and physically. That’s why now is the perfect time to adjust to the seasonal change and boost your overall health with our new Thrive Shots available at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.

Designed to help you regain vibrant health, each of our five Thrive Shots provides an array of benefits that can help you overcome feeling wired and tired or depressed, ease pain, and combat the sluggish effects of low energy, low libido, and low immunity. We’ve carefully calibrated each Thrive Shot with a formula of powerful nutrients, including B Complex, amino acids, Magnesium and Procaine, all targeted to alleviate your specific health challenges.

Drawing from more than 28 years of clinical experience, I created Thrive Shots to empower you to take charge of your own healing. You can browse our Thrive Shots menu below and choose the treatments best aligned with your individual needs. Try more than one shot to gain multiple benefits. You’ll be amazed by your own healthy transformation.

  • IM Jumpshot – A blend of Regenalyn (amino acids), Procaine, and B Complex, jump starts your immune system.
  • IM Jumpshot/Relax – This Thrive Shot will relax, refresh, and beautify you from the inside out. This liquid yoga treatment contains a potent blend of Regenalyn (amino acids), Magnesium, and Procaine.
  • IM Glutathione – Ideal for liver detoxification and lung support, is a simple formula of Glutathione and Procaine.
  • IM Skin Support – An anti-aging formula, gives you a natural glow. The combination of Glutathione, Carnitine, B complex and Procaine helps improve skin firmness and elasticity while stimulating healthy hair growth. This Thrive Shot also aids with detoxification.
  • IM NAD+ with B12 and Procaine – This Thrive Shot is a safe, simple and inexpensive therapy that kickstarts your energy levels and elevates your mood.

The new Thrive Shots are part of my Amplified Regenerative Therapies (A.R.T.) at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health. My A.R.T. is a revolutionary program designed to help you discover and expand your healthiest self, using oxidative therapies, IV infusion and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) with acupuncture and herbs to alleviate chronic pain, headaches, hormonal imbalance and many other health issues.

If you would like to learn more ways to empower yourself by supporting your own self-care plan, enjoy listening to my new podcast called, “YOUNGER: The Art and Science of Youthful Aging.” It features interviews with leading experts in natural healthcare with easy access 24/7 as you live a regenerative life.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505


Recharge Your Health with IV Therapies

Robyn Benson

Published on August 8, 2020

Recharge Your Health with IV Therapies

Tired of feeling fatigued, anxious or depressed? Need a boost to enhance your immune system?   In these uncertain times, one thing’s for sure: my team at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health is here to help you overcome health challenges with a powerful combination of natural traditional, alternative and regenerative medicine.

IV Therapies play an exciting role in the superhuman revolution at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, where we’ve been helping patients achieve vibrant health for 15 years. Our pioneering IV Center of Santa Fe offers a selection of signature nutrient Intravenous Therapies that can restore energy levels, boost immunity, elevate mood, recharge brain power, enhance detoxification, help you regain your zest for life and promote overall good health.

Intravenous treatment is a potent method of infusing nutrients directly into your bloodstream, allowing you to better absorb nutrients by bypassing your digestive system. At our IV Center, you can choose from nine different treatments or combine multiple therapies to address your needs. We can also customize a blend of vitamins and minerals in a single treatment to focus on your specific acute or chronic health issues.

IV Therapies can help you achieve Superhuman Energy, something we could all benefit from right now, when burnout, chronic fatigue and lack of energy affect nearly1 out of 2 people. Here’s a look at how some of the signature therapies on the menu at our IV Center of Santa Fe can improve your life.

The Immune Boost gives you a high dose of vitamin C, which strengthens your natural defense system. This infusion alleviates colds as well as allergies, which have been so prevalent this year. It also enhances pre and post-surgical recovery. The Hydro Helper aids in recovery from dehydration, whether you’re dealing with gut issues that result in lost fluids or you’re an active person who naturally loses fluids through exertion.

The classic Myers Cocktail helps you regain energy, recover from jet lag and beat back the blues. To elevate your mood as well as your energy levels, order the popular B12 shot. When you’re ready to relax and refresh, try our Chill Out, a simple magnesium infusion that we like to think of as “liquid yoga.”

For anti-aging assistance, the Rectifier combines the Myers Cocktail and Glutathione to give you a natural youthful glow. This treatment improves the firmness and elasticity of your skin, aids in detoxification and stimulates healthy immunity.

If you’re ready to let our transformative IV Therapies change your life, visit the IV Center at Santa Fe Soul Optimal Center of Health. If you’d like additional help with your health challenges, but you prefer an online video-conference, contact us to schedule your tele-health appointment.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, #3

Santa Fe, NM 87505
