The Benefits of IV Therapy By Dr. Robyn Benson

Robyn Benson

Published on October 2, 2015

Our patients keep coming back for IV Therapies because they are an affordable regenerative solution used for centuries.  Patients praise IV Therapies saying they help with:

-> chronic fatigue and pain

-> infectious disease

-> chronic illness

-> detoxification

-> recovery i.e. recover from colds and flues, surgery, injury (sports, accidental or age related) and more…

For decades, I have offered a variety of IV Therapies to thousands of my patients at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.  In addition to acupuncture and injection therapies (such as prolozone and B12), IV Therapies also have their place for people interested in anti-aging and preventative health used to boost the body’s ability to recover and heal naturally.

Intravenous therapy was started in the 1800s as a way to treat seriously ill patients.  Since then, the use of the IV Therapies has evolved and become a necessary part of medical procedure for the administering of medicine and fluids.

In recent years the use of IV Therapies has evolved to support a holistic and preventative healthcare pathway.  Indeed, IV Therapy has moved from the hospital to become part of a sustainable solution and has continued to be a documented service with the ability to achieve positive, regenerative results for patients of all types.

What are the benefits of IV Therapy?  How can they be added to your self-care, regenerative program?

Here are a few of the various treatments we offer at Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health:

-> The Myers’s Cocktail of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and B complex has been shown to be effective in treating migraines, chronic fatigue and respiratory infections.

-> A Vitamin C IV can boost your immune system, help get rid of infection and, according to a WebMD* article, is linked to boosting the capability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.

-> A Magnesium push can be another good way to treat acute migraines while also combating various cardiovascular diseases.  Magnesium also improves blood flow and blood pressure.

-> The GSH Glutathione push is an antioxidant powerhouse.  Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant and is found in every cell in the body.  We lose Glutathione as we age.  The use of a GSH Glutathione push helps replace lost Glutathione, which in turn helps to detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.

-> A Heavy Metal Detox not only detoxifies key systems and organs in the body like the liver and kidneys, it also supports the immune system.

-> UVB/Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation may sound intimidating, but the health benefits are immense.  By introducing UV waves (which are found in sunlight) to your blood, your body is helped in fighting off viruses and bacterial infections as well as given an immune boost to fight off illness.

With all the benefits of IV Therapy it is no wonder this treatment is a sound option for health and well-being.  Utilizing these benefits will help us achieve optimum health and join the self-care revolution.

Here is a picture of us giving Dr. Norm Shealy, considered the father of complementary medicine, an IV after a long trip to Santa Fe to speak at the Self-Care Revolution Thrive event at Santa Fe Soul.

Feel free to contact us at 505-986-1089 if you have any questions about IV Therapies or are in need of a rejuvenating infusion.

Be sure to learn more about Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health.

Exponential Healing with Tesla Energy Lights

Robyn Benson

Published on July 3, 2015

At Santa Fe Soul, we’re committed to helping you change your lives through better health, and recently, we’ve been working with two potent tools that literally produce miraculous results, impacting our clients’ lives on a cellular level.

Tesla Energy Lights are a powerful system, inspired by the work of the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, that fuels your energy, mental clarity and positive well-being. Combine the lights with Nano-Vi™ technology, which promotes vitality and rejuvenation, and the results are spectacular,  from reducing chronic pain, headaches and eye inflammation to providing anti-aging results and even helping with PTSD in veterans and autism in children.

A session with the Tesla Lights involves lying on a treatment table between two sets of flickering quartz gas tubes, one at your head and the other at  your feet. In this position, you are “illuminated,” much like the filament of a light bulb. As you’re exposed to the Lights, you focus on the aspects of your body, mind and spirit, envisioning the healing of whatever is challenging you. Positioned between the lights, you enter an alpha state, an altered state of  consciousness like that achieved by meditating, dreaming and even praying, and that leads to enlightenment.

After multiple sessions, your intentions start manifesting, and this, in turn, makes you focus even more on your goals. The result is a creation of balance, with less stress and resistance and more coherence. Some patients report clearer thinking, positive feelings and higher awareness, others an increased emotional intimacy in their relationships. One of the most common comments after a session is “Wow, what a power nap!”

But what’s really happening is that an invisible life force known as “subtle energy” is donating electrons, recharging and permeating your subtle energy bodies with compatible high frequency subtle energies. To learn more, watch this video with me and Aeron Goldheart, the Global Developer and CEO of Tesla Energy Lights.

You can profoundly amplify your healing with a TurboAcupuncture treatment, combining acupuncture with the frequency from the Tesla Energy Lights.

Add in the Nano-Vi™ technology—a small device the produces moist air that you inhale as you’re lying on the treatment table that triggers your body’s response to oxidative stress damage—and you’ll be amazed at how good you feel!

“I was amazed by how quickly my eye started healing, three years after I had three surgeries for a detached retina. A year of steroid drops had no effect on helping clear up distortion and cloudiness caused by the surgeries. But after just a few sessions of Turbo Acupuncture paired with the Nano-VI™ Technology, I noticed a remarkable improvement, long after I had given up on my eye surgeon. I highly recommend this treatment to anyone dealing with any body, mind and spirit issues.”

~ A Santa Fe Soul client

Call us at 505-986-1089 to schedule an appointment.

If you have any questions or would like others to know about your results from these healing tools, please leave your comments below.

To find out more about all of our healing modalities we offer here at Santa Fe Soul.

Also find out more about Dr. Robyn Benson and her VIP Bliss days to focus on your most predominate issues you would like to resolve.

“The Healthy Conscious Traveler” is a bestseller with rave reviews!

Robyn Benson

Published on June 18, 2015

I am very excited to report that my groundbreaking new book, The Healthy Conscious Traveler, quickly became became a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon after launching on May 31 and has already received 14 5-star reviews!

For this week only, you can buy the book on Amazon for just $1.99. For more info, and to learn about the extra bonuses you’ll receive with your purchase, click HERE.

In The Healthy Conscious Traveler you will discover practical solutions for the many hazards of travel, showing you how to retrain, regain and renew yourself,  no matter where you visit. Drawing from my personal experiences, as well as those of my clients, I discuss the challenges we face whenever we travel, whether by air, train, bus and even in our own car. From electromagnetic frequencies and radiation to jet lag, food poisoning, sleep disruption and more, travel can leave us spent, physically and mentally.

Faced with too much stimulation and noise, and surrounded by too many people,  it’s all to easy to feel overwhelmed when you travel. But there is a way out and my book shows how, in chapters devoted to eating healthy foods when you’re on the road; getting a good night’s sleep as you travel; and the best ways to stay hydrated.

The Healthy Conscious Traveler is essential reading for anyone ready to take charge of their health in our rapidly changing world, where travel has become a daily event for many people.  The book is a companion to two reference booklets, The Healthy Conscious Traveler’s Food Guide, full of recipes for healthy foods to make at home and bring on any journey, and The Healthy Conscious Traveler’s First-Aid Kit,  which outlines essential  items for travel emergencies. They will both be published soon!

Watch HERE for details

Here’s what people have been saying about The Healthy Conscious Traveler:

“Dr. Robyn Benson has not only changed how I travel but has changed my life! She will change yours too.”
~ Celeste Yacobini

“At last, a truly comprehensive treatise on health care written with experience and humor, a great resource for the average traveler, easy to understand and put to use. If it’s not in here, you don’t need it! As a senior citizen who once traveled extensively and lately and has stopped doing so because it’s so stressful, I’m ready to pack a bag and go again! Thank you!!”
~ Diane Pick

“Essential reading for all travelers. Don’t leave home without it!”
~ E.Z. Writer

“The Healthy Conscious Traveler offers a visionary perspective on self-care while on the road, with excellent travel tools, tips and more that you can use everyday, not just during travel.”
~  Patrick Durkin

“This book is fantastic. I have learned a lot on how to prepare before, during and after travel. This is really a very valuable book. It definitely can change every traveler’s life and even when you’re not always traveling, there’s a lot of helpful tips to apply in your daily living.”
~ Rally Vargis

“The Healthy Conscious Traveler will be my trusted travel companion from now on.”
~ Dexter Russell

Read all the Amazon reviews for The Healthy Conscious Traveler HERE

Here’s to Healthy Travels!

Robyn Benson

Published on May 25, 2015

As Healthy Conscious Travelers, we know how important it is to be prepared. Not just for the weather, but for any number of health problems that commonly arise during travel, from bed bugs to dehydration and more. Here are just a few health issues you might face, along with simple solutions that provide prevention and protection. You can learn more in my new, groundbreaking book, The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel, available starting May 31.Watch here for details on how to pre-order your copy, along with two companion booklets, The Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide and The Healthy Traveler’s First-Aid Kit

Dehydration is a very serious condition and can be life-threatening. So it’s important to drink plenty of water several days before your trip, on your trip and even after you return home. When you travel, bring a BPA-free water bottle with a built-in filter so you can fill it up at any water fountain once you’re through security, saving at least $5 on what you’d pay for bottled water.

High Blood Pressure (HBP):
Hydration is one of the best ways to manage healthy blood pressure. If you take prescription medicine for HBP, please continue to take it as scheduled. Travel is not the time to reduce or change your prescriptions. Also, manage your stress to prevent high blood pressure spikes while traveling.

Bed Bugs:
These little nasties are more common than you might think. Just like mosquitos, some people have the right skin, odor and pH that attract bed bugs. People who get hives are more prone to bed bug bites. Your best defense is a healthy immune system.You can also buy natural bug
repellant to take with you, especially if you’re traveling to warm, wet climates. I recommend Proof, which you can purchase at

For more info on healthy travel, join The Healthy Traveler’s Global Movement on our Facebook here! Also visit the Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit website:

And may your every travel experience be fun, enjoyable and healthy!

Please feel free to leave your comments below about this blog. We love hearing from you!

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM
Founder of the Self-Care Revolution
And Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM

Founder of the Self-Care Revolution

And Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health



Restorative Sleep for the Healthy Traveler

Robyn Benson

Published on May 14, 2015

Those of you who attended the Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit you learned that sleep is essential for vibrant health.

Nothing impacts our sustainable health, good moods and a “get-up-and-go attitude” like a good night’s sleep. And yet a lack of quality sleep is one of the most common problems we face when traveling

Did you know that 1/3 of people worldwide are not sleeping well?

Whether you take a red-eye flight a night train  trip or an extended car trip, traveling can interfere with your circadian rhythms— your body’s clock—which affects your hormones, your digestive system and all of the body’s organ systems. Your circadian rhythms regulate your chemical and hormonal production and metabolism along an approximate 24-hour cycle. With erratic travel schedules, it’s common to experience brain fog, increased anxiety, belly bloat, swollen ankles and more.

But a few simple steps can ensure that you get good sleep while traveling, and even the full seven to nine hours recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

* First, get a good night’s sleep the night before you start your journey.

* Avoid alcohol during the few hours before you go to bed as alcohol sugar throws off your blood sugar, causing your heart to race while you’re trying to fall asleep. If you already suffer from sleep problems, it’s best to avoid alcohol all together.

*Finish your final meal of the day or snack at least three hours before bedtime so you’re body won’t be working hard to digest food while you’re trying to sleep.

At least two hours before bed, unplug everything in your hotel room that emits electromagnetic fields and light, which can keep you in a hyper-alert state. This includes computers, iPods, cell phones and Kindle devices. Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away from your bed. If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, and at least six feet away from your body.

*Sleep in a completely dark room, which stimulates the natural production of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for healthy, natural sleep cycles, and is important for aging well too!.

You’ll find many more tips for healthy sleep while traveling in my new book, The Healthy Traveler,: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel, to be published this month, in conjunction with the Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit, which is receiving rave reviews!

One participant had this to say.  “The Summit was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  Probably the best and all-encompassing I’ve listened to so far.  I love to travel and this also addressed how to travel through one’s daily life.  My mind is exploding with all the new and great information.”

You can get access to more info about ART (Amplified Regenerative Therapies) and receive your FREE eBook! To find out more about my services visit

Do leave your comments.  We always love to hear from you!  Cheers to restful nights ahead!

Travel Truffles

Robyn Benson

Published on April 24, 2015

Traveling can take it out of you. After hours in an airport or plane, days on the road and often a significant time change, you can feel exhausted. My new book, The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel offers great ways to avoid the stress of travel on your body, from how to avoid jet lag and getting sick to what not to eat when you’re wiped out.

You can learn more about how to a Healthy Conscious Traveler at the  Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit, May 1-10. This revolutionary online program features 30 leading medical and travel experts sharing their best advice for healthy share with you! Click here to RSVP and for more info.

The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel is accompanied by the Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide. If you’re preparing for a trip, why not whip up a batch of these truffles, designed to give you an energy boost without the  side effects of caffeine and too much sugar. They’re just one of the many delicious recipes designed for effortless travel that you’ll find in the  Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide.

Tom’s Terrific Truffles (Makes 4 truffles)

1 scoop protein powder

4 tablespoons cacao powder

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon warm water

½ teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan salt

Mix all ingredients to a paste-like consistency. Form into 4 balls the size of golf balls and roll into loose cacao powder. Let chill for 10 minutes. Serve at room temperature.

If you have a great travel recipe you’d like to share, please leave it in the comments below! You can connect with Dr. Robyn Benson at!

Food for the Healthy Traveler

Robyn Benson

Published on April 17, 2015

My friend Gregg Schulman’s hotel
refrigerator at a recent event

I’m excited to show you my new book, The Healthy Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel , as well as the accompanying Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide, full of recipes and tips for eating well when you’re on the road, be it plane, train, car or bus. The books will be available May 31, so watch here for details!

You can learn more about how to be a Healthy Conscious Traveler at the Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit, May 1-10. This revolutionary online program features 30 leading medical and travel experts sharing their best advice for healthy share with you! Click here to RSVP and for more info.

In the meantime, here are a few travel food tips from the Healthy Traveler’s Food Guide that you can use for weekend getaways, business trips, summer vacation and more. Happy Travels!

When traveling by plane, always pack an empty BPA-free water bottle with a filter already in it so that you can fill at any water fountain once you’re past security, saving you $4 or more.

If you’re taking a road trip, pack a cooler with ice, cool beverages, salads, sandwiches, fresh fruit and vegetables and other perishables so you can eat while on the road and in your hotel room. Always bring your own packaged sea salt full of minerals to complement any meal you have. Add a pinch of sea salt to water one to two times a day to ensure water absorption into your cells and to keep your electrical body fully charged.

If you’re flying, leave room in a carry-on to pack a lunch or dinner—salads in portable containers; sandwiches wrapped in wax paper; bags of trail mix, granola, nuts and gluten free cookies, and truffles, all safely stowed and TSA-approved.

Heading to a hotel? Check before you go to see if your hotel room has a refrigerator. If not, see if you can request one. Often they’re readily available, for a nominal fee and, in the long run, you’ll save money.

If you have a great travel tip you’d like to share, please leave it in the comments below. You can connect with Dr. Robyn Benson at!

Dr. Robyn Benson at the Dead Sea in Israel


Healthy Traveler’s Blog

Robyn Benson

Published on February 23, 2015

Healthy Traveler’s Guide: Retrain, Regain & Renew Yourself with Eight Pathways to Smart & Conscious Travel

I’m excited to announce the upcoming publication of my new book, “Healthy Traveler’s Guide: Retrain, Regain & Renew Yourself with Eight Pathways to Smart & Conscious Travel.” I’d like to share some of my recommendations with you so that if you’re traveling this winter, you can enjoy a comfortable, healthy and happy trip that will leave you feeling renewed and invigorated.

In the “Healthy Traveler’s Guide,” you’ll discover Eight Pathways that strengthen your immune system and provide vibrant health when you’re on the road and even when you return home. Renew, regain and retrain yourself for travel success by following the program outlined here:

The Eight Pathways

  1. Be your own best health care advocate.
  2. Reconnect to the earth regularly.
  3. Eat natural organic food.
  4. Drink lots of healthy, potable water.
  5. Stay active.
  6. Optimize Sleep.
  7. Stay conscious and travel with intention.
  8. Connect regularly to your higher self through mindful techniques.

Here are eight easy steps to ensure that your trip is relaxed, stress-free and fun!

  1. Refresh yourself by being outdoors as much as possible. During breaks, take your shoes and socks off so that you are able to literally ground yourself to the earth through the bottom of your feet. A powerful acupuncture point on the sole of your foot called “Gushing Spring,” is strongly rooting and, when activated, helps you reconnect with the earth. Simply walking barefoot is a quick way to neutralize stress in your body and mind.
  2. Refuel your cells with nature by getting into healthy bodies of water, when available. Plan your trips around your favorite beach, hot mineral springs or a lake or river destination. Your body loves clean water, and many hot springs offer a multitude of healing properties from pain relief to stress relief.
  3. Embody the ultimate health formula (UHF) , or the Eight Pathways to conscious and smart travel. Your personal power combined with earth frequencies and lots of healthy water, optimal nutrition, movement, presence in the moment, (including your best positive thoughts) and awareness of your interconnectedness to people, place and the universe results in Ultimate Health.
  4. Bring your favorite essential oils and take a warm bath on arrival. Essential oils that are 100 percent natural are an excellent choice for recalibrating your energy, rebooting your immune system, and helping you with digestive issues after a long journey.
  5. Chant, pray, listen to music, do yoga, or stretch to bring about the best vibrations and frequencies for your mind and body.
  6. Drink the best possible clean water with a pinch of sea salt to help rehydrate your body before, during, and after travel. Water can immediately give you a boost. I highly recommend a supplement called Oxylent that you can add to your water. You can find this at
  7. Invest in reputable products that help neutralize harmful frequencies, including Earthing sheets, Orgone pendants, protective shields and functional clothes. Invest in the best pulsed electro-magnetic frequency (PEMF) wellness devices, which mimic the earth’s frequencies and quickly recharge your cell batteries.
  8. Invest in your stress resiliency. As the healthy conscious traveler, you want a clear game plan for how to handle stressful delays, cancellations, getting through security, or finding yourself stuck in traffic on a freeway in L.A. Write a note to yourself from your higher-evolved self about the three things you commit to do on a regular basis when the you-know-what hits the fan while traveling.
    …and if you haven’t heard about Myers cocktails, my movers and shakers that travel regularly do not leave home without coming in for this awesome IV infusion of minerals and vitamins to ensure a super immunity and optimal energy with every flight or car ride. Call today if you have questions or to schedule a Myers cocktail or one of our other popular IV’s (505) 474-8555. To find out more about my work, Myers and Injections, listen to this recent interview that will enlighten you as to what is possible for your health needs.

To learn more, and to become a Healthy Conscious Traveler:

Join the 10-day Healthy Travelers Summit, featuring 28 experts in nutrition, exercise, aging, brain power, holistic living and other fields, coming soon in April 2015. Website available March 10th.

We love to hear your suggestions. Feel free to comment below! Cheers to your healthy travel with each and every trip.

Dr. Robyn Benson, DOM
Founder of the Self-Care Revolution
And Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health
Healthy Traveler’s Summit

How To Avoid GMOs and the Health Risks That They Pose

Robyn Benson

Published on January 22, 2015

One of the most important health care messages I give my family, friends and patients is to avoid genetically modified foods. As hard as we try to eat a healthy diet, it’s hard to know whether the food you buy and feed your family is free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It’s estimated that in the U.S., 80% of our food contains GMOs, as genetically modified corn, soybeans, sugar beets, canola oil and other ingredients.

How can we avoid GMOs and the health risks, both known and unknown, that they pose?

Jeffrey Smith, anti-GMO advocate and filmmaker, gives us some answers in his two-minute video, created for the Self Care Revolution. He’s also created an app that you can download that will tell you what foods to buy.

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine for 23 years, I work with patients to get them to stop eating GMO foods and when they do, they feel 100% better.

The best way to avoid having GMOs end up on your dinner plate is to shop the periphery of the grocery store, where all the fresh produce, dairy and meats are. As you work your way towards the center of the grocery store, that’s where you’ll begin to find the processed, canned and frozen foods, most of which contain GMOs.

It’s also important that you buy organic milk, because non-organic milk contains the rGBH growth hormone, a steroid that increases milk production.

GMOs pose great risk to our health. If you’re allergic to soybeans and don’t realize they are in the corn that you eat, you could have a life-threatening reaction. If you eat a tomato that’s been sliced with a fish gene to make it cold-resistant, and you have an allergy to seafood, you could also have a serious reaction.

According to a new study cited by my dear friend and mentor Dr. Norman Shealy, genetically engineered corn, soy and other crops and the widespread use of glyphosate, found in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide have caused disease and death in humans around the globe. The FDA now permits glyphosate residues in food and livestock feed from 3 to 300 parts per million, with the highest levels found in grass, fodder, hay and peppermint. Roundup destroys endocrine function and also can cause hyptertension, strokes, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s’, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and other health issues.

Monsanto, the main manufacturer of GMO foods, has resisted all efforts to require labeling of GMO ingredients, threatening to sue states that pass mandatory GMO labeling laws.Until we have an official way of ascertaining whether GMO ingredients are the in the foods we buy, we have to stay informed. Jeffrey Smith’s app will help you avoid GMO foods in the grocery store, and Join the Self-Care Revolution will post news as it comes up, too! Keep informed with the links below!

Download the Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Join the Self-Care Revolution

Sign up to receive concise self-care messages on Self-Care Rockin’ Fridays.

Listen to Jeffrey Smith’s 2- minute video about GMOs.

Feel free to leave a message in the comments box below. We’d love to hear from you.

Shiva Shakti: Awakening Your Life Force Energy

Robyn Benson

Published on December 16, 2014

Sexual energy plays a major role in our lives, and if you’re stressed, disconnected from your partner, or dealing with other blockages, your sex life is suffering.

I have to admit that in 22 years of my practice, at least 75% of my clientele complains of low sexual interest, or even complete loss of drive. Sexual cultivation and restoration is a foundation of a well balanced life according to Chinese medicine.

In my practice, I regularly give acupuncture to help restore this primal energy in the body, which helps activate energy, gives the body a nice glow, increases healthy circulation, balances hormones and dramatically reduces stress, while increasing the pleasure hormone Oxytocin.

Reconnect with your passion and restore your sexual energy—your life-force energy—with internationally acclaimed sex and intimacy expert and author Amara Charles and Shyena Vénice during a special three-day workshop, SHIVA SHAKTI: An Introduction to Spiritual Sexuality, January 9-11, 2015 at Santa Fe Soul.

Amara focuses on restoring a balance between Shiva, the awakened masculine energy, and Shakti, the feminine, receptive energy, bringing greater awareness into our life so we can have the pleasure we deserve. She has 25 years of experience working with men and women—both singles and couples—helping them achieve life-changing breakthroughs so they can experience new levels of intimacy and pleasure.

Through experiential exercises emphasizing play, she introduces the six kinds of sensuous touch that bring fresh energy to your life as well as ancient techniques to make you a better lover. “Touch is one of the most fundamental aspects within the relationship,” Amara says. “What people really want and need is intimate touch and connection.,” And these specific touches will deepen that connection, from the Water Touch—a washing touch that cleanses and heals—to the Earth Touch, a gentle pressing that brings vitality, and the Fire Touch, an electric touch.

She also helps  you discover what kind of lover they are—Wind Lover, Earth Lover, Fire Lover and more, which all have different strengths and challenges, giving insight into the needs of your partner.  IN this workshop:

  • Enhance your life through sexual restoration Daoist practices and more
  • Awaken your core aliveness
  • Own your grand design
  • Rejuvenate your sexual vitality, sensuality and love your body
  • Learn your lover type (a favorite of all of Amara’s global events)
  • Awaken the healing power of your sexual energy

Amara uses Qigong excercises that bring vitality and energy to the body, and tranquility exercises to calm the mind and the breath.  By addressing the emotional and psychological issues that bring blockages into intimate relationships, she facilitates breakthroughs in communications, resulting in the courage to express yourself openly and honestly, from the heart.

Join us for SHIVA SHAKTI at Santa Fe Soul, Jan 9-11 for a truly transformative journey into sexuality and healing and bring more wisdom, warmth and happiness to your intimate relationships! Amara is the author of Sexual Agreements and Aching to Open. Her new book, The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka, is the first to reveal the Shamanic healing practices of sex from the Nagual Tradition.

If you have any questions feel free to call 505 474 8555 or email Amara directly at

Learn more about Shiva Shakti, Spiritual Sexuality and our upcoming workshop in a live blogtalkradio interview with Amara Charles, Dr. Robyn Benson and Kevin Snow ~