A proven natural solution for optimizing sexual function, resolving ED and improving men’s overall health

Robyn Benson

Published on July 3, 2017

Along with fitness, a healthy waistline and overall wellness, most men care to have sexual vitality throughout life. However, ED rates have gone up dramatically over the last 20-30 years.

Common causes for ED are aging, pelvic injury, high blood pressure, kidney disease and prostate cancer.  Today constant stress, and living in an increasingly toxic world are also contributing factors.

What is surprising today is that ED is increasing mostly now among younger guys. According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one out of every four new ED patients is under 40 years old. Tobias Köhler, M.D., chief of the Division of Male Infertility at Southern Illinois University. “Roughly 40 percent of men in their 40s suffer from ED, and 50% percent in their 50s” he says.

As a Doctor of Oriental medicine, I help men find the root cause.  Very often it is a combination of issues including weight gain, trauma, poor diet, lack of exercise and even sexual fears and feelings of inadequacy.

Conventional medicine boasts the merits of Viagra and Cilias.  But a lot of men want their sexual vitality restored without the use of drugs.  Afterall, there are serious side effects and these drugs are often inconvenient and uncomfortable.

In addition to lifestyle guidance and acupuncture, I offer the very effective P-Shot® aka the Priapus PRP (platelete rich plasma) injection that can be used in conjunction with ED prescriptions or help you use them less or not at all.

How the P-Shot® Works

The procedure promotes new tissue growth by stimulating unipotent stem cells (Platelet Rich Plasma) from your own blood to increase circulation within the penis. It is proven to work in multiple studies and involves minimal discomfort. Other benefits include increased sensation and pleasure (and can help correct the damage from diabetes).  The P-Shot®  is also helpful for men with Peyronie’s Condition.

“I have suffered from ED since I was 24 due to contracting Malaria.  After my P-Shot I am having more frequent erections and finally I have found something that works other than Viagra, which does not make me feel good.  Thank you Dr. Benson for your integrative care, expertise and professionalism in dealing with a sensitive issue.”  Joe K

A Safe, Natural Solution for Addiction, Anxiety, Depression and so much more

Robyn Benson

Published on March 15, 2017

If you’re struggling to break a bad habit — such as anxiety, overeating, alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, sex addiction, procrastination, etc. — then this may be the most important message you will ever read.

All of these destructive habits are rooted in dysfunctional brain chemistry and faulty processing pathways in the brain. For example, when brain chemicals such as Dopamine and Serotonin are out of balance, the experience of disorder results.

Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health is offering a unique scientific and well-researched 21 and 28 day, outpatient, customized Brain Optimization and Body Regeneration program to help people with these afflictions by restoring the natural balance of the brain’s chemistry.

The heart of this personalized system is the 30-minute Theta Chamber™ session, which includes 5 different types of technologies that help to increase new neuro-pathways favoring a healthy brain and to restore life-affirming habits.

An essential component of the Theta Chamber™ is ECS (electro- cranial stimulation) which is the main modality utilized in the recovery of drug addiction and depression. While enjoying the vestibular movement of the theta chamber you also get the benefit of oxygen therapy, binaural beats and light therapy.

The two programs also include the Photon Genius (useful for optimizing a healthy bio-field, detoxification and to rid pathogens…), the Pressotherapy (for detox, pain and relaxation) and a Russian computerized body scan to measure improvements during the length of your stay.

In addition, this individualized program includes “Rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (rTMS) which is a procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety and others. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is often recommended when other depression treatments haven’t worked.

Our 21-28-day Brain Optimization and Body Recovery (BOBR) Theta program supports your own body and brain’s chemistry to re-balance and re-program those altered pathways that have become dysfunctional, gently, safely, and all backed by scientific research.

Call 505-986-1089 and visit www.santafesoul.com to find out more about this program. The website also includes a wealth of information about how to live better and age healthfully. And visit my personal website: www.robynbenson.com

5 Steps to Healthier, Fuller & Shapelier Breasts

Robyn Benson

Published on February 9, 2017

Benson, Robyn - Santa Fe Soul - Truly Alive Magazineby Robyn Benson, D.O.M.

Breast cancer, lumps, breast pain and sagging breasts are all very common occurrences and concerns for women in today’s world and increasingly for men too! If you are experiencing one of these challenges, consider the following solutions in addition to a self-care lifestyle, regular breast massage and monthly self-examination.

1. Whole Foods. More than anything, choose an organic whole food diet and one free of pesticides, herbicides and plastic drinking bottles. The toxic buildup from these offenders can contribute to massive havoc in your breast cell tissue and to hormone imbalance. One of my favorite supplements to help detox chemical buildup in breast tissue is calcium glucarate. I also recommend a good multivitamin, Vitamin D and Chinese herbs to promote breast and hormone wellness.

2. Exercise. Exercise (at least 3-4 x week). This is key for your heart, brain and yes, your breast tissue too. Walk daily, take a Zumba class and lift weights. Be sure to wear a support bra that is comfortable and not too tight around your breasts for improved circulation.

3. Bra Breaks. Did you know that underwire bras are hazardous to healthy breast tissue? Underwire bras hinder healthy lymphatic movement in and around your breasts. Whenever possible, let your boobs breathe and be free – especially when at home at night and weekends.

4. Consider a natural PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Breast lift. Did you read recently that Jennifer Aniston had this non-surgical procedure done? Most of the world does not know this option exists. Learn more at: robynbenson.com/v-breast-lift.

5. Stress less and meditate more. Stress wreaks havoc in our bodies. Instead of stressing, find ways to allow more flow, more fun and more fabulous moments in your life. Meditate and allow your body the proper rest it desires. This will help you age better, with more radiance and vitality in your skin and all your body tissues.

Benson logoFor more info on how to live better and age healthfully, visit robynbenson.com. 505-986-1089, robyn@robynbenson.com.

Amplify Youth and Restore Beauty with a Natural Face-Lift Procedure!

Robyn Benson

Published on December 22, 2016

Benson, Robyn - Santa Fe Soul - Truly Alive MagazineBy Dr. Robyn Benson, D.O.M.

There are a lot of choices when it comes to the beauty of your face; from chemical peels to lasers and even plastic surgery.

However, the PRP Facelift aka the Vampire Facelift® continues to be a favorite choice for celebrities, and people who choose a natural approach to amplify the youthful face they desire. We work with you to help shape, lift and texture your face in a way that reduces wrinkles, scars and rebuilds healthy new tissue.

Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) has been around for more than 20 years. It has been used successfully in orthopedics, dermatology, dentistry and even for racehorses. Dr. Robyn Benson, in Santa Fe, NM is applying this same therapy to the face, joints, breasts, and scars and even for sexual rejuvenation.

Benson pic Truly Alive MagazineePRP is so natural and so effective because it utilizes your body’s own growth factors to stimulate new cell growth in the targeted areas. Recipients of this procedure can expect plumping of sagging skin, diminishment of fine lines and wrinkles, smoother skin on the face and neck and the rebuilding of healthy collagen and elastin.

How does the PRP Facial and Vampire Facelift® restore your natural beauty?

We start by taking a very small amount of blood from your arm and placing it into an FDA approved high-tech centrifuge. This separates out the plasma into a highly concentrated form. Your plasma is then used in the desired area, where it stimulates blood flow to the area, and produces new cells and new tissue. This is similar to what happens when our body suffers an injury and our natural healing process kicks in.

We apply a local anesthetic to your face, so there is minimal pain with the procedure. We use a micro roller or the SkinPen™ which makes many tiny holes in the skin to receive the plasma solution. This procedure only takes about 30 minutes once we have processed your plasma. The effects begin to be felt and seen almost immediately.

In the PRP Facelift, the platelet rich plasma is strategically injected into key points in the face, as well as into volume depleted areas. There is no downtime, although there could be some minor swelling or bruising. We do everything we can to prevent this. Typically, most of our clients are able to return to work or their normal daily activities right after receiving the PRP facelift.

SantaFeSoul Logo with title - Truly Alive Magazine

Show your most beautiful self to the world. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Benson and complete your procedure in time for holiday celebrations. Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health: 505-986-1089,

JJ Virgin receiving Dr. Benson’s Amplified Regenerative Therapies (ART)

Robyn Benson

Published on October 7, 2016

We were thrilled when New York Times bestselling author JJ Virgin and her team visited Santa Fe Soul recently to try out my Amplified Regenerative Therapies (ART…including the O-Shot, P-Shot and Vampire procedures). JJ was working on a book deadline and wanted help handling the stress and an acupuncture treatment provided the perfect remedy.

I told JJ that we are all “wired and tired” from living in fast-paced times, working with computers and deadlines. But acupuncture is a powerful tool that can restore health and balance to our lives. An ancient Oriental healing technique developed more than three thousand years ago, the approach uses needles to open up pathways, balancing the body’s energy meridians, healing pain as well as muscular, neurological, and arthritic problems and helping to overcome disease.

By tuning in to the wisdom of your own body, acupuncture helps to balance the body’s imbalances, healing anxiety and depression by calming the hormones and helping with weight loss by improving the digestion system. Acupuncture also can greatly relieve lower back pain and other common ailments. I like to use acupuncture for relief from geopathic stress caused by working on computers and phones and being indoors for prolonged periods of time.

JJ felt relaxed and restored following her session at Santa Fe Soul, as did her team members. You can learn more by watching her live Facebook event of her visit, viewed by thousands of people. Check it out here, and feel free to share: 

For more information about our ART offerings,  and to schedule your next treatment at Santa Fe Soul, call (505) 986-1089 and visit robynbenson.com

Become Your Healthiest Self with Dr. Benson’s Amplified Regenerative Therapies (ART)

Robyn Benson

Published on July 25, 2016

o-shot 4

The O-Shot®

Did you know that 30 to 40 percent of all women experience sexual dysfunction and stress incontinence at some point in their lifetime?

During my 24 years of practice, I have focused on helping women of all ages restore and revive their sexual and bladder health. In addition to acupuncture and herbal therapy, I am thrilled to offer the O-Shot®, a revolutionary, natural and non-invasive procedure that is giving women the lasting results they have been looking for.

Sexual dysfunction can happen at any age, often causing a lack of sexual pleasure and desire as well as painful intercourse. And incontinence can appear after childbirth, since the process of giving birth often weakens the tissues around the bladder.

The O-Shot® is a procedure where Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is extracted from your own blood which is rich in growth factors.The shot adds volume to the treated area, in turn increasing sensation and sensitivity. Injections are quick, and relatively painless because the area isnumbed prior to the injections.

Within days and a few weeks, the stem cells and tissues in the injected areas grow and regenerate, causing an increase in blood flow and tissue rejuvenation.

This extremely effective and simple procedure not only improves women’s sexual function and libido and reverses incontinence, it also relieves pelvic pain and increases vaginal sensation and tone. Best of all, the procedure is gentle, causes minimal or no discomfort and requires no downtime.

It takes only 30-45 minutes from start to finish.

When I received my first O-Shot I was amazed that I experienced absolutely no pain! And what was most profound for me was the identification and treatment of scar tissue (with my own PRP) from giving birth to my second child.

At Santa Fe Soul, my patients who’ve received the O-Shot have often reported immediate improvement in increased sexual satisfaction and in the symptoms of stress incontinence. PRP has already been extensively used in the orthopedic field to improve joint, ligament and tendon function by regenerating damaged tissues. Now physicians are turning to the pelvic area of the body with great success.

The O-Shot will provide you with confidence in your sex life and with pelvic vitality throughout your life. The procedure restores healthy sexual relations with the one you love and decreases urinary/stress incontinence, with complete resolution reported by 90% of all women. It also increases your ability to experience vaginal orgasm and provides greater arousal from clitoral stimulation. In addition, the O-Shot provides a renewed and restored healthy pelvic floor and a tighter vaginal opening with increased natural lubrication. The O-Shot is the ideal solution for painless intercourse and even increases your desire for sex.

To amplify the O-Shot results, I offer an integrative approach that includes the Benson Amplified Regenerative Therapy (ART) method. To thrive with a healthy pelvic area, consider a self-care lifestyle that includes a whole food diet, exercise, supplements, excellent hygiene and, of course, regular sexual activity is incredibly helpful!

Below are a few testimonials from clients who’ve received the O-Shot. To learn more click here. Contact Santa Fe Soul for more details and to make an appointment by calling 505: 986-1089. I look forward to working with you!

“Receiving my first O-Shot solved a two decade issue with incontinence. I am thrilled to be doing my Zumba classes again, running without a pad and even my sex life has improved dramatically.”

~ D.A.

“I had very little clitoral sensation before my O-shot and occasional incontinence. I just can’t believe the change. No more inconvenient leakage when I exercise and I have better sexual relations now than I have had for a very long time.”

~ H.T.

How to Stay Healthy & Energized During Summer Travel

Robyn Benson

Published on June 14, 2016

How to Stay Healthy & Energized During Summer Travel

By Dr. Robyn Benson

Summer vacations are meant to be relaxing, a time to enjoy family and friends and de-stress from the workplace. But delayed flights, lost luggage, exposure to illnesses in airplane cabins and other frustrations can make summer travel more stressful than work! Know that you can travel with ease during this season and arrive at your destination with vibrant health.

To retrain, regain and renew yourself for travel success, here are solutions from my bestselling book Travel with Vitality, to ensure that your trip is relaxed, stress-free and fun.

1. Refresh yourself by being outdoors as much as possible. A powerful acupuncture point on the sole of your foot called “Gushing Spring,” is strongly rooting and, when activated, helps you reconnect with the earth. Simply walking barefoot is a quick way to neutralize stress in your body and mind and is now widely known as Earthing.

2. Refuel your cells with nature by getting into healthy bodies of water. Plan your trips around your favorite beach or other water destination as oceans and hot springs offer many healing properties, including pain and stress relief.

3. Bring your favorite essential oils and take a warm bath on arrival. 100 percent natural essential oils are excellent for recalibrating your energy, rebooting your immune system, and helping you with digestive issues after a long journey.

4. Chant, pray, listen to music, do yoga, or stretch to bring about the best vibrations and frequencies for your mind and body.

5. Drink the best possible water with a pinch of sea salt to help rehydrate your body before, during, and after travel. Water can give you an immediate boost. Of course, consume the healthiest foods possible. Chapter two in my book will give you the best possible information on how to do this well on every trip.

6. Invest in reputable products that help neutralize harmful frequencies, including Earthing sheets, protective shields and functional clothes. Invest in the best pulsed electro-magnetic frequency (PEMF) wellness devices, (this is the one we have used for 8 years at Santa Fe Soul) which mimic the earth’s frequencies and quickly recharge your cell batteries! Call us at 505-986-1089 to find out about this companies best offering for its 10 year anniversary for our TRIBE!

7. Invest in your stress resiliency. Write a note to yourself from your higher-evolved self about three things you commit to doing to help with stressful delays, cancellations, getting through security, or finding yourself stuck in traffic on a freeway.

To learn everything you want to know about traveling healthy, you can get your copy of Travel With Vitality, here.

About Dr. Robyn Benson

For 25 years, Dr. Robyn Benson DOM, author, speaker, adventure enthusiast and world traveler, has helped patients achieve optimal and sustainable health with acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies and leading edge health technology. She is the founder of The Self-care Revolution the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and the author of the bestselling book, Travel With Vitality: 7 Simple Solutions to Sleeping Well, Staying Fit and Avoiding Illness. Robyn is here to help you! robynbenson.com or santafesoul.com (505) 986-1089.

Travel Healthy by Eating Right

Robyn Benson

Published on March 29, 2016

Travel Healthy by Eating Right

Foods to Keep You Fit Whether You Fly or Drive

By Dr. Robyn Benson

Are you getting ready to take a much needed trip for spring break, or a time to head to a warmer climate and escape from the allergy/flu season? Airports are super busy right now and we want you to be be prepared for healthy travel especially when it comes to food!

Did you know that at least 80% of your health is related to the food choices you make each day and will determine your overall vitality, longevity and well-being?  When you travel you are often exposed to illnesses, jet lag, exhaustion and other perils so it is even more critical to eat healthy, real foods.

By now, you know that your body—and every cell inside of  you—require high-energy food that is alive to help you thrive. But while you may be accustomed to a well-stocked, healthy kitchen free of GMO foods, it’s not as easy to eat well when you’re traveling. Airports, train stations and highway travel centers are full of fast-food chains serving processed food containing chemicals and preservatives. Airplane fare is limited to snack and junk food with no nutritional value. And many grocery store chains in the U.S. offer little in the way of healthy, organic food. But this doesn’t mean you have to go hungry while you’re on the road, or consume food that is not good for your body.

In my book Travel with Vitality: 7 Simple Solutions to Sleeping Well, Staying Fit and Avoidling Illness, I distill my experience as a lifelong traveler and 24 years of practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine into simple, useful steps that show you how to eat well when traveling anywhere in the world, and how you can  eat well each day of your life!

You can, for example, pack organic fruits and vegetables to last a few days when you’re traveling domestically. You can also purchase frozen healthy and delicious meals and pack them in your suitcase to enjoy after you arrive at your travel destination. Artisan Bistro, for example, has partnered with practitioners to create a menu based on proven, effective weight management and research. Their meals feature the finest all-natural, organic and sustainable ingredients, designed to ignite your metabolism. Choose from wild-caught fish and free-range meats and other meals that are free of GMOs. They even offer meals free of gluten, dairy, soy and peanuts to work with any dietary requirement and deliver foods right to your door. (robynbenson.com/store/ to order and enter Practitioner Code 126178. to receive a 10% discount.)

Travel with Vitality provides a wealth of other practical, helpful and critical information about what to eat when you’re traveling. Did you know, for example, that parasites often hang out in salad bars? Avoid them and leave room in your carry-on to pack a seal-able container with a homemade salad of organic greens and healthy colorful vegetables full of carotenoids and phytonutrients.  Or  bring a healthy gluten-free chicken sandwich you’ve made at home. And instead of eating GMO peanuts handed out on the plane, bring your own trail mix, granola or a combo of nuts and seeds—organic flax, chia, pumpkin seeds and cashews. The fiber helps you feel full and keeps your blood sugar balanced.

Also check out the delicious travel bars at Travel with Vitality.  We have these at my health center, and they get raving reviews.

When traveling by plane, always pack an empty BPA-free water bottle with a filter so that you can fill at any water fountain once you’re past security, saving you from buying expensive bottled water in the airport that comes in toxic plastic bottles.  My favorite one is called lifestraw. I love how they have a powerful pay it forward program and send free bottles to children in India, Haiti etc for each bottle sold. Lifestraw.com.

If you’re taking a road trip, pack a cooler with ice, cool beverages, salads, gluten-free sandwiches, fresh fruit and vegetables, kale chips, beef jerkey and other perishables so you can eat while on the road. Always bring your own packaged sea salt full of minerals to complement any meal you have. Add a pinch of sea salt to water one to two times a day to ensure water absorption into your cells and to keep your electrical body fully charged.

Heading to a hotel? Check before you go to see if your hotel room has a refrigerator. If not, see if you can request one. Often they’re readily available, for a nominal fee and, in the long run, you’ll save money.

To learn more about how to eat wisely when you’re on the road, pick up a copy of my new book Travel with Vitality: 7 Simple Solutions to Sleeping Well, Staying Fit and Avoiding Illness and my companion book, Travel with Vitalty Food Guide (to be published in May 2016), where you’ll find dozens of recipes and tips for eating well whether you’re traveling by plane, train, car, bus or boat, including this healthy recipe for truffles, designed to give you an energy boost without the side effects of caffeine and too much sugar.

Tom’s Terrific Truffles (Makes 4 truffles)

1 scoop Paleo Protein Deluxe (travelwithvitality.com)

4 tablespoons cacao powder

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon warm water

½ teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan salt

Mix all ingredients to a paste-like consistency. Form into 4 balls the size of golf balls and roll into loose cacao powder. Let chill for 10 minutes. Serve at room temperature.

To learn more about Traveling with Vitality and to leave a review if you received value: Travel with Vitality.

I appreciate your comments and ideas always so please write below.  Perhaps you have a healthy travel recipe to share with us?

Cheers to your healthy travels!



About Dr. Robyn Benson

For 24 years, Dr. Robyn Benson DOM, author, speaker, adventure enthusiast and world traveler, loves to help each and every patient achieve optimal and sustainable health.  She brings a wealth of services to you including acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies and leading edge energy medicine and technology to help solve your health challenges.  Robyn is the founder of The Self-care Revolution the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and the recent online program the Healthy Travelers Global Summit.  Robyn can be reached at 505 986-1089.

6 S.I.M.P.L.E. Self-Care Steps to Natural Hormonal Bliss

Robyn Benson

Published on February 12, 2016

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate
now and then doesn’t hurt.”

– Charles M. Schulz

Welcome to February everyone!  As we continue to embark on a New Year, we all have time to enjoy a little indulgence now and then.  As Valentine’s Day approaches the topic of love is thrown around a little more than any other time of the year.  There are some very valuable health benefits when you open up to love of any kind, here are some of my favorite ones:

Elated mood levels

More Health conscious

Decreased timidity

Spiritual Growth

Social Expansion


and one of the best ways to keep the LOVE vibe going is to make sure your hormones are working for you!  At least 1/3 of the patients (including teenagers and men) I see have hormone related issues; zero libido, depression, weight resistance, fatigue, bone loss, headaches and more. This can be a complicated, costly and an extremely emotional journey for many! Continue reading here to learn about my S.I.M.P.L.E method to restore healthy hormones.

Do you want more energy, better memory an increased sex drive and the promise of better sleep?  It may be time for a hormone makeover.

Our stressful life-styles, poor food choices and our increasingly toxic world are contributing significantly to the rise in hormone dysfunction, sleeplessness and acute depression. 

Your hormones are chemical messengers in your body, which impact your ability to procreate, think, move, eliminate and to make lean muscle tissue, bone mass and so much more.

Correcting your thyroid and your adrenals are your first and most important step to achieving hormonal well-being. 

Your adrenals are small walnut-sized glands that secrete many essential hormones including estrogen, progesterone and the vilified hormone called cortisol (known to increase belly fat, and keep you awake at night when you are out of balance).  

When balanced these hormones help you sleep, experience good moods and live a more stable and fulfilled life. 

Hormonal health and well-being is big business these days, and it can be very challenging deciding which path to take.  Work with a qualified practitioner and take vitamins and minerals to resolve the deficiencies in your body that also contribute to healthy hormone production (ie zinc, magnesium, Vit C, B12 and B5, B6 and Vit D).

6 SIMPLE Self-Care Steps to Insure Your Natural Hormonal Bliss Daily. 

  1.  S-avor an organic, whole food, healthy fat, water-rich diet that includes lots of colorful vegetables and spices. I fully agree with many of the experts that you will solve most of your hormonal issues by staying away from all processed foods and DESTRESSING!
  2. I-mplement an exercise program that involves 20-30 minutes of aerobic and high intensity exercise at least 3 x week
  3. M-editate at least 10-20 minutes a day to calm your nervous system.
  4. P-LAY often!  Get away from your phones and post-it notes and let go of the demands of your life.
  5. L-augh, Love, and Learn today more than you did yesterday
  6. E-ngage in healthy relationships with your friends, family, pets and community. This naturally increases a wonderful feel-good hormone called oxytocin (the bonding hormone that is an antidote to stress).

To work with Dr. Benson or to get help with your hormones, weight, energy and more we invite you to one of our weekly educational classes Tuesday nights 5-6pm (March-April) in the BOSS at Santa Fe Soul.com/BOSS which includes the use of one of our health technologies.

“It’s the Most Stressful Time of the Year”” How to Stay Healthy & Energized During the Holiday Travel Season

Robyn Benson

Published on November 18, 2015

“It’s the Most Stressful Time of the Year”
How to Stay Healthy & Energized During the Holiday Travel Season
By Dr. Robyn Benson

The holidays are a happy season, but delayed flights, exposure to winter colds and flues and lost luggage can make travel during the holidays the most stressful time of the year. Know that you can travel with ease during this season and arrive at your destination with vibrant health, including a strong immune system that resists jet lag, illness and other travel-related problems.

Are you ready to release that anxiety you feel right now just thinking about travel during the busiest time of the year? To trade it in for courage, confidence and certainty about your trip? In my
bestselling new book, The Healthy Conscious Traveler, you’ll discover the 8 Pathways that keep you happy and humming with health when you’re on the road as well as long after you and your family return home.

The Healthy Conscious Traveler is a book that Dr. Hyla Cass calls “a must-read for every traveler who has ever suffered through stress and sickness on the road – so essentially, everyone. This book will always be on my packing list!” And Dr. C. Norm Shealy says: “Even those who do not fly around the world often travel 10,000 miles or more each year in automobiles. Let your favorite form of travel sustain you with the true health solutions Robyn provides.”

To retrain, regain and renew yourself for travel success, here are eight easy steps from The Healthy Conscious Traveler to ensure that your trip is relaxed, stress-free and fun.

1. Refresh yourself by being outdoors as much as possible. During breaks in your journey, take your shoes and socks off so that you are able to literally ground yourself to the earth through the bottom of your feet. A powerful acupuncture point on the sole of your foot called “Gushing Spring,” s strongly rooting and, when activated, helps you reconnect with the earth. Simply walking barefoot is a quick way to neutralize stress in your body and mind and is now widely known as Earthing.

I was recently in Iceland and can honestly say, that I experienced the best Earthing of my life. I climbed glaciers, walked barefoot on the cool grass and I even para-glided off a mountain over the sea. Talk about healthy travel!

2. Refuel your cells with nature by getting into healthy bodies of water, when available. Plan your trips around your favorite beach, hot mineral springs or a lake or river destination. Your body loves clean water, and many hot springs offer a multitude of healing properties from pain relief to stress relief.

3. Follow the Ultimate Health Formula (UHF) , or The 8 Pathways to conscious and extraordinary travel. Your personal power combined with earth frequencies and lots of healthy water, optimal nutrition, movement, and presence in the moment, (including your best positive thoughts) and awareness of your interconnectedness to people, place and the universe, results in ultimate health.

4. Bring your favorite essential oils and take a warm bath on arrival. Essential oils that are 100 percent natural are an excellent choice for recalibrating your energy, rebooting your immune system, and helping you with digestive issues after a long journey.

5. Chant, pray, listen to music, do yoga, or stretch to bring about the best vibrations and frequencies for your mind and body.

6. Drink the best possible water with a pinch of sea salt to help rehydrate your body before, during, and after travel. Water can give you an immediate boost.

7. Invest in reputable products that help neutralize harmful frequencies, including Earthing sheets, Orgone pendants, protective shields and functional clothes. Invest in the best pulsed electro-magnetic frequency (PEMF) wellness devices, which mimic the earth’s frequencies and quickly recharge your cell batteries.

8. Invest in your stress resiliency. As a healthy conscious traveler, you want a clear game plan for how to handle stressful delays, cancellations, getting through security, or finding yourself stuck in traffic on a freeway
in L.A. Write a note to yourself from your higher-evolved self about the three things you commit to do on a regular basis when the you-know what hits the fan while traveling.

To learn more, visit: Click Here

About Dr. Robyn Benson
For 23 years, Dr. Robyn Benson DOM, author, speaker, adventure enthusiast and world traveler, loves to help each and every patient achieve optimal, radiant and sustainable health. She brings a wealth of services to you including acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies and leading edge energy medicine and technology to help solve your health challenges. Robyn is the founder of The Self-care Revolution the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health and the recent online program the Healthy Travelers Global Summit. Robyn can
be reached at 505 986-1089. www.robynbenson.com www.santafesoul.com